Monday, September 26, 2016

Blowing up America: Clinton connection to Iran and terrorism

Later today, on Hillary Clinton's birthday, Donald Trump will debate with her at Hofstra University on Long Island. It is the first of three such meetings between the two major party candidates.
Already, Mike Lupica in the New York Daily News is running Trump down and predicting a Clinton win.
Will I watch it? Maybe. Not sure. About 80 million people will.
I might have other things to do. Like meeting with a former US military intel dude who is looking to spill some beans about his days of infiltrating Iranian cells in London and other pro-terror groups. And I mean, what he has confided to me he backs up. How he got into these must be a long and interesting story, but at least I can see he was right up there with the likes of former MI5 agents Annie Machon and David Shayler, defectors from the ranks who claimed that MI6 was secretly plotting to assassinate Omar Qhaddafi in Libya. I could see video footage of this guy next to CIA/DIA agent, and Chatham House rep, Bob Ayres.
And Yvonne Ridley, suspected Iranian agent and Moslem convert who was kidnapped in Afghanistan. Other footage includes him with Moam Yasseen on Iranian TV in London, pictures of him with Iranian agents under MI6 surveillance, the stuff is hotter than any mini nuke the Iranians just might be planning to make and explode...coming soon to the hood near you - and speaking of that - I happen to work in Chelsea, let me tell you it was not funny when what we all hoped was a construction accident last weekend turned out to be a bomb. Some idiot who got back from Afghanistan, a convert to radical Islam, hurt a lot of people and had tried to hurt more. I don't wanna see no more scenes of people with blood all over them and a cloud of smoke, at one point it even looked like a mushroom cloud.

And it made me think a lot about my friend's intel work, which is focused on Iranian secret nuke enrichment and procurement of uranium and lithium 6 in South America. I asked him on occasion about the US State Department and other bodies that are supposed to take care of it and I will never forget his answer.
He told me that while infiltrating Iranians he was told point blank that they were working to make Clinton president - this was in 2007 or so, when he was on Iranian TV and the other Iranian spy service outlet - Press TV - he told me at the time he just filed the information but did not do too much, there were a lot of other issues. But he kept checking their opinions about Clinton and kept getting the same kind of response. So when she was appointed Secretary of State, after losing her chance to be the president to Obama, he noticed that a lot of what he was told was panning out, and it was scary. As soon as she went to State, operations to halt Iranian secret development of nuclear materials in South America kept getting blocked, and ultimately, the Iranians got their hands on a lot of bad stuff and Clinton and State just kept the lid on it so they could operate.
When US Marine Corps Sgt Joe Humire came out with a book he edited in 2014, titled "Iran's Secret Penetration of Latin America", she was no longer in State, but her influence kept his testimony before House and Senate from getting acted on. And not without help I'm told from John Kerry.
Iran it turns out has figured out how to get the Clintons on their side. They knew about the Clintons drug running, both Hillary and Bill's sexual predation on woman (a graphic account is in a book titled "TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA" written by a former DIA agent who turned against the government when he found out about the sex slave thing. Both Bushes and Clintons were in on it. Both Bush and Clinton went to Yale - and they were BOTH GOP members. Yeah, my dude, Clinton is a turncoat in America and she is turning coats secretly elsewhere too.

And you and I & lots of innocent people, not just in America, but all over the world, may pay the price. Right now in NY we are seeing lots of bomb squad trucks and areas sealed off - you don't hear about every incident in the press, it's getting to be common - but that's our reality. And we are relieved when it is only an idiot who runs a fried chicken joint and does not know how to really do a bomb. There is a bit more to it that you think - I know - I was a demo expert in the service taking these things apart in Saudi Arabia.

And I also know that it could, in the right hands, kill millions of people if it had nuke stuff in it. Thank you very much indeed Clinton for working with the Iranians. And she can thank the FBI for covering for her - the Iranians, getting a bit chatty with my dude in London - told him flat out  - you don't have to worry about that stupid FBI, we know what we're doing. Makes me wonder. At first I wasn't sure. But now that we see that they just let the Chelsea bomber order bomb making materials and hurt people - despite having been ratted out by his own dad - I am taking this more seriously and I feel I have to. I don't want it on me if a bomb goes off and we got radiation killing everyone. Me you, black or white, thanks to Clinton and whatever f*$*
&#$d up stupid deal she has with Iranians terrorists, we are gonna pay if we vote for her. Big time. I can't just let this go. No way. Seeing people with blood all over them and a mushroom cloud over NYC should be a wake up call for anyone, only a dumb mo*$*(&$fu*^er would not notice something wrong  here. And how these idiots in the Clinton camp all did not want to call a bomb a bomb - as Trump did, what gives?

I feel bad just writing about this, bad just knowing about it, at first I was not believing it, now I know why he could not go to the FBI or State with this, some times ex servicemen and individuals gotta do what they gotta do and not trust the Clinton./Iran infilrated arms of the government. We gotta act, and I know he did, he passed a note to the Trump people yesterday on Fifth Avenue, my dude is not stupid, not wasting time with the FBI. So we'll see. I am praying Trump get back. I am no Republican, I don't even like the party, but I don't like being dead either or knowing inside that I voted or acted in a way to really mess up other people what with this weird woman and her Iranian secret whatever deal to get us all killed. Sorry bitch, but we gotta  right to go on living and you need to be in jail along with that idiot husband of yours - who sold US technology to the Chinese.

Both of you in jail. Enough liberals trying to hoodwink the hood with some former GOP member who does wierd things to sex slaves and has secret deals with bomb makers. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Daily News calls Rahami a hero

The New York Daily News is still attacking the Donald. And what did the Donald do this time to offend the editors? He told the world that the explosion in 23rd Street in Chelsea was a bomb. He called it.
But that just annoyed the editors. So now he is Hitler. His daughter is a converted Jew, he loves Israel, he is not attacking his neighbours, but the NYDN says he exaggerates and that makes him Hitler. What about Dov Hikind and Al Sharpton? And all the lies that Clinton tells? Does that not make Hillary a nazi? Heil Hillary.
Trump called it before anyone at the scene did. And I know, I work on 25th & 6th, and when it went down, we were like, well, we hope it is just a construction accident and nobody got hurt. Dudes were praying for the construction workers they thought had dropped a metal sheet. Then we saw smoke; then people covered in blood.
No accident. Trump knew it, he could feel it. So three days later he is proven right, and he is Hitler. Seig Heil. I guess being wrong would make someone cool? Like, the FBI. They are super cool. They actually were told that Rahami, the bomber, and I do not need to mince my words and call him the 'alleged' or the 'suspect', the dude did it, no conspiracy here, he was an idiot - his own dad told the bureau that -  was a terrorist. They checked him out and decided he was cool. They let him go. The NYDN and political correctness groupies would be proud.
Like Hillary Clinton. This is her kind of FBI - the one that did NOT press charges against her. Then this fool went and showed his coolness all over New York and New Jersey and made a fool of the present administration.
Trump goes on to say that it is a shame we now are burdened with his upkeep. For life, unless Melissa Mark-Viverito, Hillary's close friend, adds his name to her existing campaign to get a terrorist (and one who killed people and does not renounce violence) out of jail and on to the streets.
We are burdened with paying for Mark-Viverito's hero, we are burdened with paying for Rahami - since he did not kill anyone he does not have a death penalty offence over his head - and we could well be burdened with paying Clinton to sit in the White House.
I guess the NYDN thinks that is cool. We have a dysfunctional FBI, an idiot for a Mayor, a terrorist supporter for City Council leader, and all we need next is Clinton in the White House. One big happy country.
Already, I hear, the letters of support are coming in for Rahami to read in jail (along with copies of the NYDN). Stupid liberal chicks write these, and I hope I don't offend anyone when I say this, but let's do some racial profiling - most of them, like mass murderers in this country - are white. I mean, chicks from the hood do NOT go writing fan letters to mass murderers or terrorists, it's a black thing. Like if you see a baby carriage with a poodle in it you KNOW damn sure it ain't a sista pushing it down the street crying 'my baby, my baby', black people just don't do that. So Rahami, and Melissa Mark-Viverito, you are on your own, don't expect no support from us, and while Clinton may have some brothers conned (they wake up when they see that she started as a Republican who fought the black community in Chicago over ballots for Nixon), I hope that our mistaken support for her will end soon.
Else we may all end up like liberal idiots pushing baby carriages down the street with a dog in it and writing love letters to terrorists and mass murderers as it they are cool.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Black pastors support Trump

Education is what is needed if the US is to raise a generation of succesful people who can compete in the world. Thanks to a number of issues, including left wing nutbags, such as the ones who have destroyed the NYC schools, this does not look like it is happening. Trump has addressed this key issue and Democrats are acting surprised that this has gained him support from the African American community. Here is the report, that a number of papers failed to give you:

Pastor Mark Burns, who recently spoke with Donald Trump and other minority leaders, said that they all emerged from the meeting in agreement on one vital matter: "The number one issue plaguing the minority community is education."
On "Fox and Friends Weekend" this morning, Burns explained to Sandra Smith that school choice is key to fixing this problem, because it gives families and students more power over their education.

Going back in time, Turkey gained its first world status when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk made the teacher the 'backbone of the country.' Today, the teacher gets hit in school, shot at, pissed on, you name it, thank the Democrats in NYC for this. Tired of their nonsense, the African American is going to vote for the better candidate: Donald Trump.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hillary the Republican

The ignorance regarding Hillary Clinton is due to a biased press. One cannot be expected to know that she is a sexual predator, as the book that gives this account, long before she ran for any office, and thus nothing to do with Trump people trying to spread negative information, but rather a factual book that is more aimed at Bush than at her or other Democrats, was only privately published. It was intended to be part of congressional testimony, but since it shined a light on both parties, it was not a tool of any one party and thus was ignored. The Democrats at first looked forward to having it to use against Bush and Cheney, but when they say Clinton in it they tried to ignore it. In fact, it gave us a glimpse into the Clinton-Bush alliance, that secret partnership of parties working for secretive companies that are clever enough to play both sides. At one point, the authors noted that Bush flat out told Bill Clinton that he would be president!

And for those of us with greater memories, this might not surprise; Bill's wife started life as a fervent Republican, running into problems with the African American community on the south side of Chicago when she was campaigning for Richard Nixon. No way, you say? I'm crazy?

This from Wiki:

Raised in a politically conservative household,[8] Rodham helped canvass Chicago's South Side at age thirteen following the very close 1960 U.S. presidential election, where she saw evidence of electoral fraud (such as voting list entries showing addresses that were empty lots) against Republican candidate Richard Nixon. She then volunteered to campaign for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in the U.S. presidential election of 1964. Rodham's early political development was shaped most by her high school history teacher (like her father, a fervent anti-communist), who introduced her to Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative, and by her Methodist youth minister (like her mother, concerned with issues of social justice), with whom she saw, and afterwards briefly met, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. at a 1962 speech in Chicago's Orchestra Hall.

Wellesley College years

In 1965, Rodham enrolled at Wellesley College, where she majored in political science. During her freshman year, she served as president of the Wellesley Young Republicans.

And where did she go to school? Yale. That hotbed of Skull & Boner rich kids who do strange things in the tomb. So are you really voting for a Democrat if you vote for her?
Or for a sick war with Russia to the benefit of lots of Republicans with their $ in the arms business who are laughing at the little woman they can use as their front?