Months ago on this site we foretold that Donald Trump would go against automatic weapons and sensibly limit guns. Today's cover of the New York Daily News is about just that. Check it out. Story here first!
Other stories were here first too. Follow what is going to happen with his stance not just against guns, but what is killing people every ten minutes in the US - heroin. Drugs are being supplied with the help of foreign
intel agents, and heroin is now grow in Latin America. To kill Americans.
Supplied by MS 13.
All of these have their supporters who hate Trump, both right and left. Nothing he can do pleases the extremsists.
His suggestion of taking guns away from demented people already has people screaming due process. Due process is take them away! Before another shooting. And deport MS 13, before another murder. This week MS 13 members were in court laughing openly at the family whose daughter they killed.
Due process? Execute them. If you need a gun to do so, take one from the next drug addled high school pscyho who is being ignored by the FBI as he tries to kill the kid next door and brags on facebook about his shooting plans.
Let's see what happens. Best case scenario, Trump is allowed to do his job.