Tuesday, August 30, 2016

La payasa en la palaca

The left is attacking Trump with more force than ever - for one thing, they can avoid discussion about more Clinton pay to play scandals and more emails being dumped in the public domain.
Their best way to defend their candidate is to attack Trump. But they end up looking dumb and more dumber, as when  Ana Navarrro makes a false claim, echoing the story about Trump using an anti-Semitic logo on his revelations about Clinton - she must be dense, Jews are not buying that, his daughter is a Jewish convert, but people, as she claims, have short memories and if the Democrats repeat lies and nonsense it starts to sound like truth in the brains of the less intelligent.

So they fail to turn the Jews against him, and they fail to turn others against him as well, especially with the NYT making false statements from a  woman and being taken to task by her about it. There is a large amount of Hispanics for instance whom the liberal idiot press is ignoring, I even know Mexicans who are for Trump. One of them told me this: No queremos ver nada con la payasa en la palaca - which translated means we don't want a clown in the shack - palaca being a type of Mexican beach hut, often used as a seaside fast food place - but in this case refering to 'La Casa Blanca'.

In Bolivia, there is a man who is supporting Trump and using art to bring to the attention of the world the reality of Iran's unwelcome presence in Bolivia. Even with my bad high school Spanish, I can understand his slogans, and this man is saying more than Clinton and her minions. Here is the link:


Bolivia is going through a rough time, what with the kidnapping, torture and murder of the deputy mining minister. The President, Evo Morales, has called for national mourning, while foreign agitators (like Iran......) are using the situation to fan flames. Yes, they are in the country, but from sources who manages to get close to them in London a few years ago, they would just as soon kill Morales to expedite their grab of the uranium (which has been slowed by the native aversion to digging up the earth). The Clinton State Department (2009-2013) ought to have reached out to Bolivia, where are its left wing credentials if they never bothered to establish diplomatic relations (screwing them up in the first place was Bush's legacy)? Maybe ask Melissa Mark-Viverito who the Bolivian government stays clear of given her pro-terrorism stance here in the US.

Terrorists, Iranians, trouble for Bolivia, trouble for the US. We need a leader who can build bridges, and possibly a few buildings. Assuming that Trump is somehow an anti-Semitic monster out to destroy Latin America because uninformed izqierdistas repeat nonsense is for idiotas.
Do not be surprised if one of the first things that happens with Trump in power is that La Casa Blanca makes peace with La Paz.


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