Monday, December 12, 2016

Congressman Lee Zeldin reaction to Iran threat

Congress Lee Zeldin today was asked a question that has been a subject of this site many times. And just to give some context, the person who posed the question was a former enlisted man like me; Zeldin is a Major in the US Army Reserves, and was military intel. Which is good.
But did he answer the question? To be fair, it was a question that probably any rep could not even get near to answering. He tried. Then he went to Yeshiva University to speak.
Former Navy man Ken Gibson could have followed him up there - Gibson lives near there - but he decided enough hardball questions for the evening. We will follow up later with the rep, who was given a bit of a challenge: work with us and we can bring you the top people in Bolivia to repair US relations and ease the threat of an Iranian presence there that Obama and Clinton allowed - Gibson, by the way, as noted on this site, went undercover in London and infiltrated anti-Jewish groups from neo Nazis to Iranian agents.
So we will be covering this.

1 comment:

  1. Zeldin is doing nothing about MS13 and other issues in his area, he just likes to hang out with his model wife and get applause. Hard questions he ignores.
