Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Jellyfish in Syria about to start WWIII: Trump & Putin both in the dark

The Dems have been telling us how they know that Trump is a Russian agent. And so are his mates.
Which explains why Putin did not want to meet Rex Tillerson in Moscow, and Trump and Putin are at odds over Syria.
Sure the New York Times can explain.
But while they are working on their explanation, the rest of us are working on fallout shelters because dude if this goes wrong and war breaks out there ain't gonna be no more New York Times.
Hard Times they are a coming.

Now what did we say on this site months ago? Something about Jellyfish having secret State Department waivers to arm rebels and set up phony refugee camps in Syria? Did the NYT listen?
A little bit, as my source was taken to lunch by them and became a source. He tipped them off to a nice story about a nazi who married a black woman - 3 February 2017 by Joseph Goldstein - but the Grey Lady did not do anything about the more serious issue of a US intel firm, with ties to neo nazis, doing the usual dirty deeds in Syria.

The sarin attack story was used to prod Trump to attack. And being a normal human being, who saw images of children dying, he did. But the reality that the sarin attacks were in fact only chemical leaks from the rebel storehouses was overlooked.

Yesterday the Democrats turned on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (2nd Dist. Hawaii) for asking questions. And given the force of their attack, any intelligent person would ask what they are hiding.
They really don't want anyone to know what is going on. So again, I refer my reader to a 2 November 2016 radio interview with a former US Navy spook who spelled and spilled so no one needs to be in any doubt. Cut and paste that and you'll hear what is really going on! But disregard any remarks by Tony Gosling who tends to be a bit anti-American, that's not how the speaker is. That's not what this is about, we're not anti American or anti Russian or for either political party. We're just trying to prevent a war, maybe WWIII which is in reality being instigated by some Dems, some nazis, and some uber rich players behind the scenes playing Russian against America.

What can you do? Serious now. Call/email your Senator, Congressman, and start a petition to the White  House to have Jellyfish investigated and shut down!

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