Sunday, January 13, 2019

GOP working with Dems

The last few days have been controversial, what with the threat of Proud Boys taking over the Metropolitan Club. One aspect of the PB is that while they appeal to the alt right, or far right, or far out, they do not have mainstream GOP support and certainly not Democrat support. And the latter is important.
For while most people think everything is about being a Dem or a GOPer, there are many issues on which the sensible on both sides agree. A nation can't stand divided. The present  GOP leadership at the club, while it does oppose many Democrat ideas, is not a divisive entity out to thwart their every move. When Senator Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority leader talks about opposing the boycotters of America's ally Israel, there is support for him. He gets GOP support on a number of other issues, and presently the GOP is trying to get support for an issue he has been fervently for, but is now wavering on. There is the hope that we can work with him on the need for security of America's citizens and other issues.
However, we might not expect such a level of cooperation if a small group of loud boys take over and get into physical fights with the left, leaving the club a mess. This is not how to work with Senator Schumer or Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, with whom we disagree but with a measure of respect and by legal means.
The current candidate for president, and former president of the club, Robert Morgan, has always acted in a respectful manner and stayed within the law; he is a lawyer, an officer of the court.
The Proud Boys' experience with the court has been as defendants. Which is not the kind of experience that we want, especially in time of national crisis, when we need experience, calm and healing. Proud Boys and Ian Reilly, who invited them against dire warnings from people associated with this very site, are not only of no use, but a danger.
We hope that on the 30th of this month the membership will re-elect the former president and avoid the loud, boisterous antics of Mr Reilly and his friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Reilly and crew leave a mess everywhere they go, and that is what people are noticing, including the left wingers who like to vilify the GOP.
