Monday, August 19, 2019

An ocean of herring

Just after the last post here about Ghislaine Maxwell and the red herrings, another story popped up this time in the NY Post. Maxwell was seen at the In-And-Out Burger Joint in LA. It seemed to take the heat off the Massachusetts story. One red herring after another?
Kathy Griffin, in a conversation with reporter Davis Richardson and my friend Ken said that she suspected the LA photos were too posed. She would know, as a media professional who has done
and seen lots of headshots.
The Telegraph jumped in and examined these photos, to the embarrassment of the NY Post, and noted that a billboard in the photo did not belong there, at least at the time taken. They also claimed it was a high quality camera that took the photos, not a smart phone.
The Telegraph, after pointing out the red herrings, then proceeded to show pictures of Christine Maxwell packing bags at the MA house of former USCG officer Scott Borgerson.
Are these fake too? The NY Post has now picked these up as real. How do we know that this really is Christine, and that she is in MA, not Timbuktu?
If these are real, Officer Borgerson has some explaining to do, and Ken had a long talk with a Colonel
at the DHS about it. Officer Borgerson was in the CFR, presumably as a fellow, though his rank does not seem high enough for that. He did a speech with Maxwell in 2014, presumably without vetting her.
If she is not in MA, and she is not, if she was, she has gone, then CA - where she has family, including Christine, Isabel (both are twins) and Isabels son Alexander Maxwell Djerassi. Alexander works for the US State Dept in a Schedule C position, a political appointment. He dontated lots of $ to the Clinton campaign and was to be part of the Clinton/Kaine transition team.
My guess is now that she is in CA with family and quite likely on a yacht. Check any boats registered to Maxwell, Djerassi or Malina, which is Christine's husband's name.
The Telegraph article had its own shadow in that of the three authors, Margi Murphy did the LA reporting, and also happens to be a tech reporter. So why did she not know that Ghislaine associates
Justin Brown and Mark Baracs have a company in LA called Ideapod, which they launched at 166 E 65, Ghislaine's townhouse, in September, 2013? Brown does not respond to messages left on his FB account asking how he knows Ghislaine.
Red herrings can be found a gogo in this ocean of lies. And somewhere on it too methinks that a yacht with Lady Ghislaine is riding the waves.

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