Monday, December 30, 2019

Teaching the Teachers

While New York City claims to be a top spot for culture and the intelligentsia, the fact is that the schools in the Big Bagel are a stupid mess. A friend of mine once corrected his teacher's spelling at PS 64. That was 1970. Nowadays teachers are not even all required to be certified.

Bullies beat up the smart kids, and drug dealers roam the halls. Teachers make more in the rubber room than in the classroom, and let's not discuss why they get in the rubber room. Let them bounce.

So why is nobody doing anything?

In such a super smart environment, with so many high IQ types running this city, why is the children not learning nothing but trouble?

The Teachers' Union is one problem. One big mess, full of selfish jerks who take the $ for themselves and leave nothing for the pupils.

Time somebody did something. As a matter of fact, somebody is. A number of people, most of them victims of the NYC schools system. My friend Ken Gibson, for instance, along with a number of his buddies, have started this year a group that will encourage parents to take back the schools, with after school projects in which children can learn trades, languages, go to the park and study nature, etc.

So something to look forward to in 2020.

Good teachers will like this project, but bad ones will have to go, along with bullies and drug dealers.

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