Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Donald Trump stares down KKK

The press is trying to insinuate that Trump has something to do with the KKK. In fact, he has nothing to do with them, and stared down a KKK supporter at one of his rallies - the link is here, check it out, - http://www.msn.com/en-us/video/other/trump-stares-down-man-in-kkk-shirt/vi-BBq4NPi - the camera never lies, but journalists do quite often.

And there is a story about 30 black students being told to leave an event at a school as it was private property. The Secret Service claims it was not them as it is not their job to escort out protestors, but lo and behold they are on camera doing just that at another event. And one of the protestors asked to leave was white.

The Trump team did NOT have anything to do with the students being asked to leave, and it would not surprise me if it was some kind of either stupid mistake or deliberate sabotage. Trump is on record as wanting our vote and saying our vote would be crucial, so it stands to reason that the powers that be afraid of him for speaking the truth are trying to drive a wedge and create the impression that he is some kind of KKK grand wizard.

Just doesn't work. He may be a swashbuckler but not a racist or an idiot. And as someone said, so what if he is not that sensitive, he is what the country needs.

1 comment:

  1. Trump never had anything to do with racists. He is a flamboyant figure, but that's it. Notice he never got taken to court for any lack of hiring diversity in his workplace. He's a businessman, what the US needs to get back to work.
