Tuesday, November 13, 2018

CJ Pearson TIME interview: Teens for Trump

CJ Pearson
CJ Pearson
Courtesy of author
August 30, 2016
CJ Pearson is a teenage political activist and National Chairman of Teens for Trump
In the past 15 months, I have found myself supporting four different candidates for President: Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders and now billionaire businessman and Republican Party nominee, Donald Trump. As a 14-year-old, I may not be able to vote in this election, but I am deeply invested in its outcome.
Some have ridiculed me for supporting various candidates across the ideological spectrum. In a condescending blog post last December, conservative radio host Erick Erickson accused me of desperately seeking attention, questioned my intellectual capacity and instructed me to “shut up, and go live life.” This reaction makes one thing clear: many people in the “old guard” do not have the slightest understanding of the political philosophies of my generation.
I believe that the future of America is post-party politics. I hope that in 10 to 20 years, the near constant issue of partisanship will be a distant memory.
The shift is already beginning. According to a 2014 Pew Research study, 50% of millennials identify as political independents. In 2004, that number was a mere 38%. Many people in my generation support the person—regardless of political party—who they believe has the capacity and ability to lead. The future and stability of America are far more important than ego and party.
That’s why I’ve decided to support Mr. Trump, and it’s my sincere belief that flocks of other young people will soon follow.
The independent streaks ingrained into the hearts and souls of America’s youth are the cornerstone of the billionaire’s youth appeal. The problems of America’s young folks are far bigger than Snapchat and emojis—undeniable truths Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem to understand. In the coming weeks and months, while Mr. Trump is releasing detailed policy proposals to deal with the issues plaguing young America, Clinton will likely still be doing what she seemingly does best—pandering until she’s blue in the face.
While the past eight years may feel distant to some, the wounds—full of devastation and pain—inflicted by President Obama’s agenda remain fresh.
As a young black male, I’ve seen my community flailing and struggling due to the disastrous impacts of the Obama political agenda, and I refuse to allow the possibility of a Clinton presidency to extend that suffering. After eight years of promises of hope and change, 2 out of 5 black boys and girls live in poverty. Compared to white Americans, African-Americans are more likely to own fewer homes and are more likely to be unemployed.
The policies of the Obama administration have done little to help people of color, yet Clinton has unwaveringly defended them at every turn. In a recent speech in Detroit, Trump pointedly said: “If Hillary Clinton’s goal was to inflict pain on the African-American community, she could not have done a better job.”
Trump’s message to young people of color is simple: what do you have to lose?
In my young optimistic eyes, after the last eight years of the Obama presidency, there is little left to lose. There is only room to do better, and there is only one goal: to make America great for every American.

Donald dating black woman

Kara Young, a biracial woman,  dated Trump for two years, and said that she spoke about her race with him during that time. When Young spoke about being the product of black and white parents, Trump likened her to Derek Jeter. Young said that she never heard Trump speak disparagingly against any race of people. Young defended Trump, but didn’t include his fondness of black celebrity as a reason for him having an open-mind when it comes to racial issues.
Image result for Kara Young Donald Trump

Donald & Ye

What would CNN make of this?Картинки по запросу Donald Trump young

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

CNN story sounds suspicious to Blexit; We need real answers, is Sayoc the new Marinus van der Lubbe?

The Brits have Brexit; and now there is Blexit. When you're smart, gifted and black, you join Blexit and get the hell out of the party that supported slavery, turned back refugees to be killed by Hitler, and has anything to do with Hillary Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Montefiore, Melissa Mark Viverito, Castro, Ydanis Rodriguez, Farrakan, Linda Sarsour, terrorists, MS 13 members etc. whom they support.

Black Exit, Get It?

OK. Now for a few unanswered questions from an uppity blogger. First, why does a down-and-out terrorist waste $3 worth of stamps on a pipe bomb he sends via courier? If he already had $3 worth of stamps on his package, why spend like another $50 on a courier anyway?
CNN tells us the package, with US stamps on it, arrived at their 59th Street Manhattan office. If so, why is there no mention in all the press about who the courier was, what couriers company was used, and who the client is?
An unnamed courier company has what kind of policy towards new customers who claim that they are working for a Congresswoman? Were these delivered to the courier company in DC, or where? This is actually very important as it can be determined if there was another person involved. As important as a real investigation into any act of terror is, why is not this simple line of inquiry not followed?

These are questions that brothers have a right to pose. All Americans have a right to ask these, no matter what CNN says - or the FBI. The Bureau by the way is considering the death penalty for the suspect - Cesar Sayoc - HOW CONVENIENT - just like the nazis did for their patsy - Marinus van der Lubbe in the Reichstag Fire, which we know now was a false flag op so Hitler could get power with his racist BS. What Germany needed was an investigation into the investigation. Too bad the stupid people in the Socialist Party there were too stupid, and their press went along with it (some of which was owned by Hitler).

Van der Lubber received the death penalty even though no one was killed or injured; at trial it was noted that the police were constantly wiping his nose, and he was sedated. Well duh. Hitler's patsy. BTW, the note that the FBI may seek the death penalty comes from a source inside Homeland Security. I did not say they ARE, but that that option is being discussed, - along with a change of venue from Florida to New York - the latter location has more loony liberals tied to CNN and Robert Mueller of the FBI. And I mention Mueller with both a purpose here and personal loathing. I am a former serviceman, and Mueller framed a HIGHLY DECORATED WWII HERO for murders that he KNEW FULL WELL Whitney Bulger had committed. Bulger committed lots of murders, and his victims speak of him as some kind of rat. Better off dead as he may be, his death also raised questions, as he was killed the day after his transfer to a new jail, - and it is already no theory but fact that he was murdered there. What did he do his first day to piss off a fellow inmate? Seems his death was waiting for him, as soon as he could be transferred. FBI prints on this all the way. Connect the dots to Mueller, FBI, CNN.....................Lots of dots my dude.

So when do we get a real answer from CNN/FBI? Let me reiterate, a REAL investigation would get the name of the courier service, the persons who took possession of this dodgy package with a Congressional return address - I mean, did they really think some lowlife white guy on steroids down in Florida is working for a Congresswoman? And would a left wing Congresswoman hire not only that type of assistant, but one who rides around with Trump stickers all over his van?

And oh, that leads to another point, one raised by Rush Limbaugh: the stickers all are like new, neatly put up like the other day. This guy, it is claimed was riding around for months in his 'Trumpmobile" plastered in stickers. No sign of any weathering or stains, or the usual peeling, nasty dust sticking to the glue on the back side as they start to deteriorate.

If this were real, they would be ALL OVER that courier service, asking if it was Sayoc, or another person, and telling us WHEN and WHERE this dangerous terrorist device was handed in. Why are they so sure it was him and ONLY him?

We will be getting in their face if they try to disrespect the American people and refuse to answer these questions. And don't let former GOP rep Joe Scarborough scare you - he once wanted Americans who questioned a government story to be "sent to camps in Eastern Europe and never heard from again" - which is what happened to Germans who questioned the Reichstag Fire. Scarborough and MSNBC ought to be made to face the public and answer just who they are working for. Drain that swamp, no more FAKE NEWS!

Check out #blexit  to see the newest in US politics! This is what the far left far out idiots want to suppress, and I am not putting it past them to send these packages to themselves to create confusion and blame the GOP. After all, it worked for Hitler. Let's stop it dead in the USA. Exercise your rights to free speech NOW - and demand an investigation into the investigation.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Stupid White Women

Democrats are even sick of Democrats today, as the vote about Kavanaugh approaches. We have heard all kinds of salacious tales, which seem to increase in severity as needed. The FBI does not seem to take any of them seriously, and it may just be that any investigation would lead to the accusers going to jail. Dr Ford's ex boyfriend says that she indeed coached a friend on ploygraph tests before the friend took them for government jobs, and that Dr Ford frequently flew. So much for her fear of lying, er., I meant flying. These lying flying dirtbags have go to go - TO JAIL!
Miss Swetnick's ex boyfriend also weighed in making her look like a  skank and a liar, and he happens to be a Democrat; Chelsea Clinton was so disgusted with the Dem parade that she called out the cartoonists who were mocking Judge Kavanaugh's daughters. The left likes to pick on GOP kids, going so far as to call for their rape and kidnap (see previous posts on this site about Peter Fondle,er., I meant Fonda...).
This is all starting to look like what it is: Stupid White Women crying rape. Atticus Finch where is he? Or Brian Banks? - now out of jail after 6 years of being falsely incarcerated by the Stupid White Woman. Here is what the former boyfriend of Stupid White Woman Swetnick had to tell the Senate:

  • “During a conversation about our sexual preferences, things got derailed when Julie told me that she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time. In fact sometimes with several at one time. She wanted to know if that would be ok in our relationship.
  • “I asked her if this was just a fantasy of hers. She responded that she first tried sex with multiple guys while in high school and still liked it from time-to-time. She brought it up because she wanted to know if I would be interested in that.”
  • “Julie never said anything about being sexually assaulted, raped, gang-raped or having sex against her will. She never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh in any capacity.”
Ketterer also wrote that at one point, he called Swetnick’s father to get her phone number, seeking her help with his then-campaign. “He told me that she had psychological and other problems at the time.” Ketterer disclosed that he had been violated by a family friend in his youth — “I know what it’s like to be sexually assaulted and not be believed” — and concluded, “I do not believe her allegations against Mr. Kavanaugh.”
In Ketterer’s full statement, he admits to being married with children when they met and said that he initially thought Swetnick was a “high-end call girl” because she approached him at a bar, “she was alone, quite beautiful,” and “at the time I weighed 350lbs so what would someone like her want with me?” Ketterer also called Swetnick “very sexually aggressive” and said that he ended their relationship specifically due to her “penchant for group sex” at a time when AIDS “was a huge issue” and also because he had children.
The letter was called a character smear, sexist, and an attempt to discredit Swetnick’s claims. In September, the Washington, D.C., resident said that in 1982, she attended parties with Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge (who has been accused of participating in some of Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assaults). She alleged that both young men spiked young women’s drinks in order to render them powerless in subsequent gang rapes. Kavanaugh has denied the charges.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Saturdy Night Live goes dead

Kanye West made an apperance on SNL this weekend to mark their 44th season, and he was bullied backstage for wearing his MAGA hat. He sang:

“I wanna cry right now. Black man in America, you’re supposed to keep what you feel inside right now. And the liberals bully you and tell you what you can and cannot wear, where you and they can’t not stare. And they look at me and say, ‘It’s not fair. How the hell did you get here?’

He is spot on. Blacks are suffering backlash from a bunch of whiny, stupid white pervert liberals who want us to give muscle to their rich kid game which includes letting in illegals for a cheap work force.
It's an expensive farce, and the black people have been paying for it.

It's coming undone, and catches people by surprise. Last week on a Manhattan bus a black woman got on with a Trump hat. Only to be picked on by a white woman who hated Trump, joined by two Latinas. But the rest of the bus was for Trump!

A friend of the black woman had a similar suprise. She too is for Trump, and when she was out celebrating her anniversary with her husband accidentally walked into a gay bar - Jewels, down in the village. Hugs all around as these guys were for Trump! They knew that Trump is no homophobe, he signed a gay rights bill his first week in office. He does oppose sex change ops in the military funded by the taxpayer, but most gays see the difference between human rights and left wing frivolity.

So ye rocks on. North, South, East & West this country is seeing through the liberals.

Friday, July 13, 2018

The left is separating children from their parents

The left is trying to use the issue of children being separated from their parents who are illegal immigrants. They offer no solution, and in fact, did the same when Obama and others were in power. The left turned back an entire shipload of immigrants fleeing Hitler who would have all perished had not the British taken in most of them later on. So the left, which was for slavery back in the day, is just making noise and being the usual hypocrite.
Hypocrisy is the mother of much irony, and it does not go completely unnoticed. The lefty paper the New York Daily News is constantly being reminded of this by its own readers, such as Bob Bergin from Danbury, Connecticut, who wrote in on 22 June to spell it out like this:

If Melania Trump commits a crime and is taken into custody, Barron would be separated from his mother. That's how it works.

Another reader, James Quinlan from Yonkers, wrote:

What kind of parent takes their child with them to knowingly commit a crime - illegally cross the border?

When children are separated from their families by illegal immigrants, who cares? What about the 15 year-old in the Bronx who was macheted to death by a gang? Who is noting that these gang members all speak in Spanish, not English, where are their visas? Are they dreamers? If so, what do they dream about, murdering American children and then taunting and threatening the parents? Trump wants these people out of the country and then more families would be together - and alive. If the left gave a damn they would support ICE and round up all MS 13 and Trinitario members. Instead, we get to pay to feed them and their translators?

Separating black women from her kids in New York City

The following is from teh New York Daily News editorial column. It appeared on 23 June, 2018. It is about how the liberal city of New York is separating people from their children, and also offers an insight into cannabis use in a positive way. This is not to say I support people dropping out and smoking dope. But cannabis is a useful medical substance with no lethal or long lasting side effects, and sometimes it is used by honest working people who want to avoid dependency on a single drug that has been prescribed to them. I support the legalisation of cannabis for medical uses and recreational use for people over 21. For more info on that issue, check out www.hempforvictory.blogspot.com


Shakira Kennedy, NYC

At a press conference this week, Mayor de Blasio said, “We will do everything we can to stop the federal government from separating parents from their children.”
But the city itself is needlessly splitting up New York families through the Administration for Children’s Services. I know because my own family is at risk.
Ironically, the mayor made his statement at a press conference in which he announced a new policy to reduce marijuana arrests. I myself have had my life upended by senseless marijuana enforcement. And the mayor’s new policy will do nothing to help people like me — because it is ACS, not the NYPD, that is targeting me.
I am a 28-year-old loving mother and a taxpaying citizen. I have a beautiful 7-year-old daughter in a gifted and talented program and two beautiful twin baby boys. I would do anything for my children.
What Is This?
Unfortunately, during my pregnancy with the twins, I suffered from extreme morning sickness and could not keep food or water down. I sought the best medical care, and my doctors told me I needed to gain weight for the health of my babies.
But the medicine they prescribed didn’t work. Nothing did, until I tried cannabis.
Making sure to tell my doctor everything, I disclosed that I smoked cannabis and it helped me eat normally. That’s when I became a victim of circumstance. When my children were born, they tested negative for marijuana. But still the hospital called ACS.
I made clear to ACS that I had to use marijuana under unique circumstances — but that I would not continue to use it. I asked to schedule a drug test to prove that it would no longer be in my system.
They made me go to court or face the loss all three of my children. Then, instead of ongoing drug-testing, I was compelled to go to an outpatient rehab program three days a week for an addiction I don’t have.
Now, I have complete strangers from ACS coming into my home and telling me what to do as a parent.
Unless I am able to win my case in Family Court and get my record sealed at a later hearing, I will be blacklisted for alleged child neglect — and unable to get any job near children until my twins turn 28.
Even as the state appears to be moving toward full marijuana legalization, most of the other parents in my rehab program are women and men of color who were sent there by ACS due to marijuana use.
People call mass incarceration the New Jim Crow. As a black woman, I am living the New Jane Crow.
Before ACS got involved, the father of all three of my children and I were doing well and planning to get married. Then, ACS scared him away, accusing him of neglecting our children by smoking marijuana while our daughter was home.
Now he is out of contact. He was my support and they ruined that.
Whatever you believe about cannabis consumption while pregnant, you should know that middle-class white mothers join in Facebook groups crowing about the benefits of marijuana, and they never seem to be investigated by ACS.
I am the face of another reality. While we fight to legalize this drug, we have lots of urgent work to do to unravel the many pernicious consequences of prohibition at the local level. That includes punishing parents simply for marijuana use.

Kennedy lives in Brooklyn.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Talking to the FBI about a white man making threats against children

Last week we were shocked to find that the liberal elites had crossed one more line, when Peter Fonda, a  sleazy thespian, asked for the kidnapping and endangerment of Barron Trump, along with the hacking of government computers so that other children could be mistreated. He actually urged putting Barron into a cage with child abusers. Then he urged stripping the head of Homeland Security naked and whipping her in public.
Lots of suggestive sexual exhortations here. If I did this stuff a SWAT team would take me in and being black would not get me off. I mean, these are crimes against children. Black people do not stand for other people who do this, even if they are black.
So where does Peter Fonda get off doing this? And why is he not talking to the judge?
Is it cause he's white?
A friend spent his dime and a half hour talking to the FBI about this, calling the Manhattan # to get a limp response from someone who did not give their name.
So let's see.
I certainly agree there is injustice in this country, and white liberals from Hollywood seem to be the biggest abusers.

Daily Mail in support of Trump

While the Daily News continues to bash Trump in hysterical ways, its readers continue to write in trying to get it to exercise common sense. On Thursday, 21 June, at least three took Trump's side. Ralph Valenti  of Eastchester  admonished them succinctly:

Your paper has hit a new low! How dare you blame President Trump for what was going on at the border? Your newspaper is a disgrace to the industry, including the rest of the biased press. Put the blame where it belongs: Barack Obama.

Sam Stevenson of Manhattan continued with his message:

Taking children across the border is a ploy to get into the U.S.A. Normally, men come across the border, mostly by tunnel, hiring a coyote to get into the U.S.A. alone. These illegal immigrants take away jobs from Americans.

Then Ofelia Bencosme of Astoria drove the point in further with this:

Once the parents entered this country illegally, they broke the law. Our ancestors came to this great country legally, through a process. Stop the bashing. President Trump did not break the law. If you are here illegally, you broke the law.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dropping the dime to the FBI

Clearly Peter Fonda is committing a federal crime in asking for the kidnapping of Barron Trump, and asking for seditious acts against children of federal agents, which he says on his twitter account needs to be done in such a way as to not let it look like he is doing it.
Criminal and mad stupid. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna drop the dime on this fool, by contacting the local FBI division. A friend is gonna contact a relative at the Department of Homeland Security as well. And we'll see if anyone takes action. If not, they need to be relieved of duty.
Here are the contact details for the NYC FBI offices. So let's see. Do they hate Trump so much that they will not only try to thwart the election, spitting in the face of the American people who pay their salary, and then allowing fools and jerks to threaten to kidnap Trump's son? The FBI has some weird people at the top, I hope that the rank and file stand up to their superiors and are aware of the ties to Chinese intel. If they want to know about the latter, my dude, I have posted some of it right here. They need to read. And just who are they? Here is a list of the top people in the NY office:
William F. Sweeney, Jr.
Special Agents in Charge
  • John Brosnan
  • Gregory W. Ehrie
  • George Ennis
  • Aristedes Mahairas
  • Charles McGonigal
  • C. Bryan Paarmann
Here is where to contact the NY FBI. And it will be interesting - this is the agency that put innocent people in jail to protect murderers; it acts like it hates the American people, one of the innocent was a WWII highly decorated veteran. So what is gonna happen here is the people are going to find out what the FBI does when a fool calls for kidnapping and acts of sedition. Do they ignore it and go their merry way putting US citizens in prison while they work for the Boston mob and the Chinese intelligence agencies? Time we found out. Stay tuned cause this is gonna be interesting. And here's where to contact those of you wanna see how the FBI works or doesn't work:

26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10278-0004
(212) 384-1000

Peter Fonda Stupid White Man attacks Trump son

The left is turning into animals, just like the lefty socialist workers in Nazi Germany. From stupid white rich kid Peter Fonda we are told:


More rants from this fool are as follows:

"We don’t have to take the agents kids, we only need to surround their schools and scare the shit out of them and worry the fuck out of the agents frm CBE ICE & REGULAR BORDER PATROL AGENTS. WE NEED TO SCARE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM! NEED TO MAKE THEIR CHILDREN WORRY NOW"

If anyone tried this they would be arrested. It is sick, foolish and criminal. And I am asking for the arrest of Peter Fonda for inciting people to 'scare the fuck out of' children. There are laws in this country against endangering the welfare of a child. Much as Fonda has the right to play the fool, and millions of idiots have the right to follow, no one has the right to go scaring children and interrupting their education. Interrupting the education of the children is one of the few reasons used to use troops on US soil, and if they are stupid enough to do this, I hope the troops go in. Kennedy used troops to ensure blacks could get an education when fellow Democrat Wallace denied them this right.

And we OUGHT to use troops against MS 13 which is already denying children the right to an education all over the US. Where is Fonda on this issue? With MS 13 probably. Time he got arrested and tried for treason.

Immigrant children and Nazi Germany

Senator Feinstein and her crew are likening the US to Nazi Germany as immigrant families are broken up.
Little does she accept that the whole family is free to follow the deportee. No one is kept here against their will - as they were in Nazi Germany.
Further, she notes this as if it all started with Trump. Like the images of children in cages were not taken in 2012 and part of the Obama regime.
And don't expect her of Nancy Pelosi to take these children into their homes. Oh no, they have high security, gated communities and armed guards to protect them.
This week an immigrant killed his ex girlfriend at Belmont Stables, despite the security and ID requirements. Another immigrant took the cops on a high speed chase and flipped a van, killing five and wounding several more. Did Nancy Pelosi shed a tear for the people hurt by immigrants? Did Hillary Clinton do anything except use them as pawns in her sick game?
Then there's MS 13. Some of them are children, and they use children in the child sex slave trade. Trump did NOT break these families up, immigrants broke up other immigrants.
Last week figures came up for El Salvadoreans deported from Mexico. Over 4,000 last year alone. Mexico likes to blame Trump, but in reality it sends back its cousins - to a nation ravaged by MS 13.
The hip hypocrisy is the only things that makes this country seem like Nazi Germany at the moment. Blacks in fact are free and have the lowest unemployment rate in history. A black woman was let out of jail by Trump after being ignored by Obama, Pelosi and Feinstein.
They are mad about who he is NOT letting out of jail - sick murderers like the one Susan Sarandon let out - who murdered an immigrant in cold blood. No apology from rich bitch Susan, just lots of rhetoric. It's a free publicity gimmick for rich politicians and Hollywood morons.
If this were really Nazi Germany, they would be running it with the socialist workers crowd. Hitler, by the way, was an immigrant. Makes you think.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Black woman free after white woman goes to White House to meet white man!

This week the left has been left in the dirt; after a black woman is thanking Trump publicly for what Obama and Oprah never did for her; secure her release. In fact, Obama was made aware of her plight but did nothing. Black man doing nothing for the black woman. That is Obama. But when a white woman went to the White House to talk to a white man, and next thing you know, a black woman is out of jail and with her family.
Still wanna impeach? Do we need Al Sharpton to run his mouth? Check out the story:

The great-grandmother whose sentence was commuted by President Donald Trump after an Oval Office meeting with a reality-TV star has a message for Trump.

"I’d like to tell President Trump that I am so grateful for everything that you’ve done for me and my family," Alice Johnson, 63, said Thursday on "Good Morning America." "This moment right now is happening because President Trump had mercy on me."

Johnson, who was freed after 22 years in prison, added, "I'd like to tell him that, please, please remember us, the others who have been left behind because there are so many like me who need to have an opportunity, the opportunity that I’ve had."

Johnson has not heard from the White House directly since her release, she said.
Trump wished her luck in a tweet Thursday.
Johnson learned Wednesday that her mandatory life sentence plus 25 years for her role in a cocaine distribution ring, a nonviolent drug offense, was being commuted by Trump in a phone call from Kim Kardashian West.

"When Kim told me that I was being released, I started jumping up and screaming and crying and everyone else was crying," Johnson recalled. "It was wonderful. I’m so glad that she was the one who was able to deliver the news to me. It was a perfect ending."
Kardashian West met with Trump in the White House last month to advocate for a pardon for Johnson.

Friday, June 1, 2018


The reader who rebuked the New York Daily News, Nancy Kennedy, was joined 2 days later by another reader on 23 May, so I just wanted to add that - scroll below to see previous post to see the entire posting, this is just an add-on;

Louis J. Barbone from East Meadow, Long Island wrote the following:

Did anyone at the Daily News actually watch President Trump's round table on immigration ("Trump hurls pure hate at immigrants." May 17)? I did. It was clear to anyone not trying to make fake news headlines that the President was referring to MS-13 members. Signed, one less buyer of the Daily News.

FAKE NEWS ALERT! Is Nancy Pelosi an animal?

Earlier this week Donald Trump held a rally in Nashville. It was packed, and to the dismay of the lefty press, it was full of happy people talking about JOBS - and MS 13. Apparently this gang is liked by the lefty regime, with Nancy Pelosi telling us they are people. NO. They are animals. Only sick animals, and not even really sick animals, no creature in the animal kingdom actually does what they do - torture kids for instance, they are lower than animals. Let Pelosi invite them in.
The press got laughed at to their face by a 4-year-old who taunted them saying 'FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS'.
A 4-year-old.
And fake news is not just an issue for tots to ridicule, it is serious, like when the FAKE NEWS BRIGADE reported that Trump called immigrants animals. He did NOT. He called MS 13 animals.
The fake news understandably sent shock waves around the world, and leaders such as Evo Morales of Bolivia responded negatively to Trump. Which is what the enemies of both countries want. They want to divide and conquer with FAKE NEWS that even a 4-year-old can see through. Then they want to get MS 13 into Bolivia.
More fake news followed when the left showed photos of youngsters in cages. The photos were real; but they were taken in 2014, and Obama was in charge then. So the attempt to depict Trump in a bad light backfired. Real kids could see through that one too.
And real kids, and real adults, are fighting back in the press. In the New York Daily News on 21 May a reader, Nancy Kennedy,  wrote:

" I am, by no means, a supporter of Donald Trump, but the headline declaring that Trump called immigrants animals could not be more misleading. This is Yellow Journalism 101. Shame on you for distorting the facts. You led your readership to believe that Trump was calling all immigrants "animals." He was referring to the MS-13 gang members and, in a very rare instance, I agree with the President. In my town, this gang is a genuine threat. I do not want to see any of those members allowed in our country. Be careful, Daily News,  you are treading in dangerous waters here."

But not all lefties are against Trump. No less a person than former US President Jimmy Carter is saying that Trump merits a Noble Peace Prize, if he can get North Korea to abandon its nuclear arsenal. Carter is one of the few ever honest US presidents, and the rest of the left ought to listen up. But most likely they are too busy entertaining MS 13 members, who are fed at the expence of the taxpayer. Man, that has gotta stop. Along with all the FAKE NEWS. Time to get real.

Monday, May 7, 2018

House is worse to black folks than Starbucks!

I can forgive Starbucks for dropping the dime on two brothers who wanted to use the bathroom while they were not yet customers.  Starbucks is now flagellating themselves in public, it is all reminiscent of a medieval march with crazy monks and mad monsignors delighting in the lunatic antics.
Starbucks got very little of my money to start and I haven't spent a dime in their in over a year. Not that I have a dime to lose. Not that a dime will buy me anything at all. What's a latte - a fiver?
But I cannot so easily forgive the US House and Senate for what they did to - not 2 brothers, but 2 sisters - Diamond & Silk.
A couple of weeks ago they were in front of the elected officials - some of whom were visibly hostile - as you can see on these videos - and their testimony was under oath.
Not under oath was the white man - Mark Zuckerberg. So if he lied, they are not pressing charges. But they tried every which way to twist the sisters' words so they could draw up charges and scream perjury. You gotta see this *&%&.
Also not under oath was the white woman - Hillary Rodham Clinton, former GOP member now Dem who got off lightly. I guess they don't wanna waste the cuffs on whites, especially rich whites. Save the cuffs for brothers and sisters. Posting while black is now a crime.

Check out the testimony here and see what I mean! No wonder Kanye is backing the Donald.




Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Mae pobl dduon yn siarad Cymraeg ac wedi bod yn hysbys i bleidleisio dros Trump.

Some people have stereotypes about black people. Like, they don't vote for Trump.
Just ask Diamond and Silk.
How many black people speak Welsh though? None?
Think again. Click below to see how many are now picking up the original British language.


Diamond and Silk still off of Facebook

The last post was about Diamond and Silk being back on Facebook, alluded to as the 'bathroom wall'. But we were wrong. We took Zuckerberg at his word that things would be fixed, but they were not. And it seems that other black people on Facebook are messed around if they support Trump, Robbi Robinson, for instance, I've seen it with my own eyes. I have no doubt Facebook is being controlled, and when it is in secret, and wastes the time of the people who honestly believe they can post what they want to say within legal limits, there are grounds for law suits.

Here in NYC a black man in a Trump hat was questioned by police, for, well, being a black man in a Trump hat. Turns out someone had reported a black man in Trump hat making an assault at Union Square Station, so the cops are on the lookout. But the man they questioned had an alibi. There are more than one black men in this city wearing Trump hats. And maybe one did commit an assault, maybe this was fake news, so far no leads. How hard is it to catch a black man in Trump hat? My point is, did this really happen at all, or in the way it was reported? And if the assailant was wearing a Trump hat, was he a Trump supporter?
We unequivocally decry any assault, so whoever did this is wrong. But I will continue to wear my Trump hat, no problem with the police if they question me.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Diamond and Silk

Last week we saw Mark Zuckerberg go before Congress and answer for the bathroom wall knows as Facebook. Congress trying to legislate the bathroom wall! How funny.
There is not much one can do, I admit it's his wall, even if it is a bit of a monopoly, and he can kick people off if he wants for telling the truth.
He can write what he wants on it. But there is something a bit unfair about kicking off two sisters who did not write anything illegal, or even racist or sexy. I mean, there are MS13 sites on facebook, lots of hookers showing their ass, and he kicks off two well behaved American citizens who happen to support Trump - while being black. Senator Ted Cruz (GOP, Texas( brought this up and asked him what was dangerous about two black girls who happen to support Trump.
Zuckerberg gave a non answer, and the two are back at it, posting on the bathroom wall.
I hear that it's OK for a white male to support Trump, they don't expect that person to reach out to anyone not already converted, but for a black person? And a woman? Now that is going too far! So scrub the bathroom wall of that, but leave all the hos and jihadis and MS 13.

So welcome back Diamond & Silk, you got brothers and sisters listening from here to Silicon Valley. Here's to Trump in 2020!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Right and left attacking Trump

Months ago on this site we foretold that Donald Trump would go against automatic weapons and sensibly limit guns. Today's cover of the New York Daily News is about just that. Check it out. Story here first!

Other stories were here first too. Follow what is going to happen with his stance not just against guns, but what is killing people every ten minutes in the US - heroin. Drugs are being supplied with the help of foreign
intel agents, and heroin is now grow in Latin America. To kill Americans.

Supplied by MS 13.

All of these have their supporters who hate Trump, both right and left. Nothing he can do pleases the extremsists.

His suggestion of taking guns away from demented people already has people screaming due process. Due process is take them away! Before another shooting. And deport MS 13, before another murder. This week MS 13 members were in court laughing openly at the family whose daughter they killed.

Due process? Execute them. If you need a gun to do so, take one from the next drug addled high school pscyho who is being ignored by the FBI as he tries to kill the kid next door and brags on facebook about his shooting plans.

Let's see what happens. Best case scenario, Trump is allowed to do his job.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

State of the Union Address 2018

The state of the Union speech last week had both sides up in arms. Perhaps never has the nation been so divided since Lincoln, whose party was soundly under attack by the Democrats. President Trump, enjoying a surge in popularity since creating jobs and having a record high stock market - with a record low in black unemployment - went from strength to strength as he took on an issue that the reporters at MSNBC claim to not have even heard of: MS 13. In the audience were parents of two teenage girls who were killed brutally by MS 13, which likes to kidnap girls for weeks, torture them, rape them and sometimes sacrifice them to the devil.
Joy Reid of MSNBC took umbrage at the inclusion of this issue, stating publicly on record that no one except those who watch Fox News had ever heard of MS 13. As if 10,000-50,000 satan worshipping rapists can parade around and not attract the least bit of attention. Maybe MSNBC does not pay heed to them, but most people do. The New York Times has covered this issue on the front page. El Diario La Prensa, the New York Daily News, The New York Post, Newsday, Newsweek, you name it, any serious journalistic organ has ran more than just a byline on this group. 
Reid then leaves us a question mark to ponder; does she hate Trump so much that she is blinded to reality? Like so many politicians who refused to clap at the speech?
So bad was their effect that even the liberal New York Daily News had letter after letter condemning the Democrats. The 3 Feb, 2018 issue reads like an indictment, with the leading missive, sent in by Barry L. Goldblatt, stating"...it's time for the Democrats to line up and do what they were elected to do - work for the people of hte United States without acting like spoiled children and obstructing justice for all."
From Nantucket, Michael Velsmid wrote that Trump "demonstrated strong leadership"; Joseph Valente of Staten Island told the readers that the "only impediment to my enjoyment was when the cameras focused in on Nancy Pelosi's twisted lips and scowling face."
Gerald Manley, of Oakland Gardens, went on to ask the paper if they wanted "criminals and thugs to go unchecked."
Brooklyn resident Lydia DeBello then opined that the Democratic Party ought to be ashamed of itself.
From just outside of the city, in Tarrytown, Carol Culkin likened the Democrats to petulant children.
In the right wing New Pork Post, Andrea Peyser was at her usual form, taking the libs to task as 'Hero Bashers' for having bad words about the beautiful adoption of a black baby born to a drug addict. Officer Ryan Holets of New Mexico warmed most hearts that evening, at least those to whom young black lives matter.
So we get the message. Black lives don't matter if they are being helped by people you don't like, protected by law enforcement, or not useful to your agenda. I get it loud and clear. Trump was not the only one sending a message to the nation last week.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Video evidence of brothers and sisters made homeless and attacked by illegal immigrants


The URLs above show African Americans, and Hispanics, talking openly about the problem of illegal immigration.
In California, the uber lefties are making brothers, and sisters, homeless as they accommodate illegals, who then turn around
and attack us!

At a meeting in LA, brothers and sisters are told to stop talking as they take on the elected officials. These are some of THE BEST VIDEOS on the net today! Check them out!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Pastor Watson urged to repent

In the Bible, we are urged to pray for our leaders, not speak evil of them, and not believe hearsay; a fool believes everything he hears, Proverbs tells us.
Wise commands and wise words, but try telling that to Maurice Watson, pastor at the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Largo, Maryland. With the Vice President, Mike Pence, attending, Watson chose to repeat the allegations that President Trump had referred to many nations as s--tholes.
First, the stupid senator who told this story was contradicted by witnesses - 2-3 - by which standard 'pastor' Watson is obligated to establish his account. (let every word be established by 2 or 3 witnesses).
And even if the lone witness had told the truth, what he told was at a top level government meeting; his obligation to the land that pays his salary was not kept. What else is Senator Durbin blabbing about? Maybe he needs to be impeached; along with 'pastor' Watson. It seems like Watson did not know enough about the Constitution or the Bible to separate church from state, turning the service that was intended to be for the Lord into a political statement for the Democrat Party, which is full of people who hate God.

My gut feeling is that we need to excommunicate Watson and investigate him. There are those in every community who try to excite the congregation with tales they heard from rogue Democrats and foreign agitators, and do not preach or practice the Word of the Lord.
Watson, it is time you repent.