Thursday, March 31, 2016

Candidates trumped at AIPAC meeting on crucial issues like Iran, UN

In a previous post we mentioned that Trump was the only candidate savvy about (possibly privy to top secret intel that is private and notavailable to the Obama administration, the CIA or NSA) Iran enriching uranium/mining lithium 6 in South America. He showed this when he was invited to AIPAC in DC at the Verizon Center; in fact, Donald Trump was the only candidate to address the fact that Iran is doing its dirty work in this hemisphere; Clinton and others already in office avoid this as it shows that they are asleep on watch. (Clinton calls for "Two State" Solution at AIPAC - Trump and Cruz address "Disastrous" Iran Nuke Deal) front page article by Fern Sidman in  The Jewish Voice, 25 March.

It made a lot of people think; and the threatened walkout by liberal rabbis never happened. They were too busy listening to his realism and the lack of realism on the part of the other candidates that they knew better than to vacate their seats. Here is what Trump said: (p.11) : " they're in Syria trying to establish another front against Israel from the Syrian side of the Golan Heights." Vowing to dismantle Iran's global terror network, he added: "They've got terror cells everywhere, including in the western hemisphere very close to home."

Not a single other candidate in this election cares or has a clue. Trump, who works and lives in NY, is close the heartbeat of political action, business, and yes espionage. One thing he knows well is the United Nations, one of his buildings stands just down the street from that complex and houses many of its diplomats. As usual, Trump calls it like it is and this is what he had to say about the UN:

"The UN is not a friend of democracy, it is not a friend of freedom, or even to the United States of America...and it surely is not a friend of Israel."

And it is not a friend of women either; consider how many women are now coming forward to out the chairman of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Rajendra Pachauri, of sexual harassment, and they are able to show incriminating text messages so this is no joke.

Clinton on the other hand is written up in a book that was originally set to be Congressional testimony as a sexual predator on women. So Trump is what he is, but he is not predator, and we need him and his understanding of the UN and Iranian nuclear plans for the western hemisphere in office.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Clinton campaign $ from secret rich donors/Trump's secret charity

Years ago Cynthia McKinney, the Congresswoman from Stone Mountain, Georgia, told supporters to look at secret funding for so-called left wing movements. I'm not sure what she thought about OWS, but it was possibly a front for something; and when the secret funding ran out, that was going to buy pizza for the 'revolutionaries', the OWS all went home. Mostly back to their middle-class and rich kid homes in the 'burbs. The party was over. Pass the joint and get another six-pack.

And that is what Hillary Clinton's people may be doing. The $ behind Clinton is NOT coming from da hood. Clinton in Harlem is like a wolf in the pasture; trying to blend in. And much as she tries to camouflage herself, making us think she has no links to Bilderbergers or plans to invade Russia, she does not escape scrutiny. Last week in The Jewish Voice (25 March, p. 10), Alyssa Canobbio shared the facts dug up by PolitiFact and NBC News: "Hillary Clinton's claim that her campaign is mostly dependent on donors who donate less than $100 was mostly false."
Only 17% was from small donors. And one shudders to think how many widows' mites this woman, claiming some lefty credentials, is taking. To do what?
On the same page a JV staff editorial lets us know what Trump has not told us about his own $; that he has given $56,000 to the ADL - "to fund new anti-bias and anti-bullying education programs across America...These definitely were sincere gifts", noted ADL CEO Jonathan A. Greenblatt.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Visit from cops about this blog

A few days ago I got a friendly visit from some off duty cops. Not sure what their issue really was, whether they were on side or against Trump/me,  but it was strange that one key issue in their little chat was the fact that this blog is making people wake up and think hard about why they are paying Melissa Mark-Viverito's salary when she has upped it so much for one thing and for another thing, a bigger issue than taking our $ to her bank, is that she is asking POTUS to release terrorists who killed Americans on the 4th of July.
And it was as if someone was sending me a warning to knock it off. This lady is head of the NYC City Council which, while voting itself a hefty pay raise when people are out of work, turns down police pay raises. So go figure and ask yourself why any NYC cop, if that is really who they were, I did not ask any badges, tried to chat me up about her, as if she needed protection from Americans who don't wanna be killed on the 4th of July.
And most don't. And I could guess a few might want to put their fist in the face of any fool who does. Just a guess. Don't go arrest me or anything for guessing. The Constitution gives us this right.
And it does NOT give rights to people like Melissa Mark-Viverito to 'FREE THE TERRORISTS.'
Just these past couple of days some free terrorists killed 31 people in a country that seems to coddle terrorists, in fact, one of the Paris terrorists was found there - I am talking about Belgium. Not sure I can find it on a map. But I would also guess that a few Belgians might also like to put their fist in the face of anyone trying to free the terrorists.
Donald Trump made some remarks about their need for greater security, and he was attacked. Clinton, good friend of terrorist supporter Melissa Mark-Viverito, attacked him on the eve of the attacks. Many lovey dovey left wingers then joined in the attack; but even the left wing Guardian in London had to concede some points; speaking more realistically, it printed the following observation:

The fragmented nature of Belgium’s police and security services means they do things differently there, and Trump’s claim that the Brussels suburb of Molenbeek had “coddled” and taken care of the Paris attacks terror suspect Salah Abdeslam before his arrest has some resonance. Others might argue that the lack of long-term community police work left a dangerous intelligence vacuum

Dangerous intelligence vacuum. Just what we might expect if we get some wack job in who has friends who want to free terrorists. And we can expect more of a 'fragmented nature' of the NYC police force if wack job's friend is able to free terrorists. We don't need coddled terrorists here.

So to the friendly cops who just 'wanted to talk with me' about my comments about a leading figure of the NY political scene, talk to your colleagues first. They may just want you to spend your time more wisely. I am NOT inciting violence here against wack jobs, I am merely pointing out that we ought to vote them out of office.

And then maybe there will be a real pay raise for the NYPD, not a fragmented intelligence vacuum that sends its officers out to check up on bloggers.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Soldiers are loyal to Trump not the Daily News

The New York Daily News yesterday, anxious to stop Trump from making America great again, was trying to scare the public with the fact that US soldiers are supporting Trump; an "alarming number of soldiers are voting for him, and anxious to follow his orders."
And anyone intelligent can see that an alarming number of soldiers are NOT voting for Clinton and NOT anxious to carry out her orders, especially if she, at the behest of the Bilderbergers or other large cartels, some of them dealing in drugs and sex slaves, attacks Russia.

So what is alarming? There seems to be a negative insinuation here, as if the soldiers are doing something wrong. Or they are stupid.

Thanks NYDN. As a former soldier I read you loud and clear. We are stupid unless we vote for the woman on whose watch terrorists are strong and Melissa Mark-Viverito writes letters to the president to get terrorists out of jail, especially if they killed American on the 4th of July. Right here in New York.

But maybe we're bad soldiers. We don't want the terrorists out and we don't believe all the uber hype in the Daily News. We're disrespectful to Mark-Viverito and Clinton. Maybe the solution is to let terrorists out at their request and send us to Russia to fight a war for Democrat bankers who are secretly selling drugs and getting illegal aliens into this country to do terror, rape and drug dealing?

Good soldiers I guess march to the orders of the Daily News. Like Sieg Heil.

I think the hacks at the Daily News need to look at reality. Trump is not perfect but he is AGAINST the terorrists and NOT a Bilderberger. For that, I will not go into further detail, but let the reader google on world leaders put in power by the Bilderbergers.

And you might just want to connect dots to Bush and Zuckerman. That is why there is so much hysteria about Trump. He wants to make America great, not Bilderbergers, terrorists and drug dealers rich.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

US military fights for Trump

The New York Daily News seems to be now a single issue paper: Trump. And even good news to them is bad. All news is bad news. Even when it is found out that the military stands for Trump. Bad. Very bad.
Rather, a president who has no respect from the men and women in uniform.
Why? Because they say so, that's why.
It seems to imply that soldiers and sailors are stupid and need to read the liberal press. It even goes so far as to state that soldiers and sailors are FOR torture and killing.
If so, then maybe they need to disband the military.
And we could all live happily ever after using with some liberal agenda of transgender bathrooms; where, for instance, if a middle-aged man suddenly decided he was feeling feminine he could pee right alongside a young girl. Why deny him/her his right to choose?
But it seems a crime for service men and women to exercise their right to choose a commander-in-chief. They might get Clinton as such, and if so, there just might be transgender heads (military slang for bathrooms) for squids (military slang for Navy personnel). And pink camoflage for jarheads (military slang for Marines).

The irony is that it was these transgender loving toilet lovey doveys in the Democrat party that sent 50,000 American soldiers and sailors to die in Vietnam, about what, other than Johnson's friends' construction contracts and tungsten mining, we are not told.

Brothers all over the US are ignoring the hate message of the NYDN and Mayor de Blasio about Trump being a racist. Neither the paper nor the mayor seem willing or able to give anyone a job except for Clinton, whom they would hand a job to along with free rent, like some demented welfare queen trying to use the men's bathroom. And if she tried that, yes, brothers in and out of the service would promptly kick her out.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

GOP to stand united or fall divided: Call for support for Trump from Gov. Rick Scott

The GOP is divided. Chaos rules. Speeches are canceled and heckler clash with supporters.
All because someone not in the inner circle of politicians is stepping into the ring.
The need to unify in the face of the opposition is being made by those with common sense, such as Governor Rick Scott of Wisconsin, whereas his opposite # in Florida, Jeb Bush, snubs Trump.
And that snub by a Bush is one very good sign. It means that Trump is fresh blood, not a tainted fool whose name appears with the Bushes; he is not mentioned at all in such books as "Trance-Formation of America" which detail the child abuse and sexual predation of the Bushes, Cheneys, Byrds and Clintons.

Scotts call for unity is being heard by the sensible in the GOP, who took note of his advice from earlier this week on his facebook: 

“With his victories yesterday, I believe it is now time for Republicans to accept and respect the will of the voters and coalesce behind Donald Trump...Here’s what really matters — we have to elect a Republican in the fall in order to grow jobs, rebuild our military, and put a person who respects the Constitution on the Supreme Court... the voters are speaking clearly — they want a businessman outsider who will dramatically shake up the status quo in Washington."
As he noted, the voters are speaking clearly. Is the GOP listening or are Cruz, Bush and Cheney bending its ear?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Trumping the competition/Jailing Clinton

4 out of 5. Not bad. And now Marc Rubio has seen the handwriting on the wall and quit.
Why he waited until Super Tuesday.He was huniliated the worst of all, what with Trump getting
a 'blowout victory' - taking ALL 99 delegates - in Rubio's state.
The only state he lost was John Kasich's Ohio, ceding 66 delegates to Ohio's governor.
So there is still work to be done, but the record is rather clear on who the people want.
Tired of terrorists and lefty do-gooders who write letters to Obama asking for their release?

And you want someone in power who can build things?

None of the candidates are really on track here. I like Bernie Sanders, and am sad to see he lost so badly to Clinton.
The Daily News featured a letter about her from someone waiting trial in New York,  John Pivetz, who is patiently fighting to prove his innocence, and asks why Clinton is not also awaiting trial - Whitewater, the sale of influence, etc. etc. Maybe he could add treason too it too. And what about  her sexual predation as depicted in what was to be a Congressional report - which, when she was mentioned, got dropped, and one of the authors - former Defense Intelligence Agency executive Mark Phillips, threatened.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hitler's daughter alive and well in the Jewish community of New York

That's right. You read it first in the New York Daily News. Last week they carried the front page with the words "Trump is Hitler".
And since the NYDN is a bastion of accurate reporting, that means that his daughter is here among us and going to shul every Shabbat with her husband, Orthodox Jew Jared Kushner. Copies of Mein Kampf are doubtless in the pews. 

So Sieg Heil and viele danken to the New York Daily News for reporting this. Truth is stranger than fiction. And the NYDN is stranger than ever. Beats the National Enquirer. Anyone seen Elvis? If you do, call the Daily News. They need some new news. You can find their reporters hovering above the earth in the UFOs. 

Tune in next week: Trump is an alien. Thank you Mr Zuckermann for you exclusive. 

Freeing the terrorists and arming the illegal aliens: Democrats at work

This race is getting hot and hotter; the hottest in the history of the US of A. So hot that the New York Daily News is now dedicated to it, I did not buy that paper today as there is so little real news in the News that I just bought my coffee and skipped the pages of anti-Trump nonsense that some journalist gets paid too much to write. I work for a living my dude, I do NOT need to finance lazy journalists who got nothing to say except rhetoric.

If they did have something to say, they might note the FACTS about Hillary Clinton and dig into the deals her hubby made with China. Now US weapons systems are compromised. Where are the anti-Clinton pages in the paper? 

And where is the news about Melissa Mark-Viverito at the Jacob Javits Convention supporting her buddy Hillary? Mark-Viverito is on a campaign to free terrorists. Trump is on a campaign to KEEP TERRORISTS OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND/OR IN JAIL.

Oh. I guess the News did not have time to find this out. OK. What next.

Oh, little bit about a dude named Pablo Serrano-Vitorino. And how that bad nasty Donald Trump would not let Serrano-Vitorino into the US of A to commit more felonies. That was the O administration. He committed felonies, and under the Democrats, he came, he saw, and he committed more felonies, this time he is wanted for multiple murders. With guns, which, BTW, Trump wants to legislate more so idiots and illegal aliens do not get their hands on.

So watch out Donald, Mark-Viverito and Serrano-Vitorino and the New York Daily News are gonna get you. And when they do, they are coming for the rest of us...if enough people vote for Hillary Clinton.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Support grows for Trump among Blacks and Latins

Last week former Bronx Bombers outfielder Johnny Damon joined the growing chorus of Donald Trump supporters. Damon sets the record straight about Trump when he did so: "He just wants people to come into this country legally and fill out the proper paperwork. That's how I'm viewing it. He's trying to make the country great again. We're worrying too much about what's going on in Cuba, the Middle East. We have enough to worry about here."This, despite having  been fired by Trump on Celebrity Apprentice last year. Damon rises above any feelings of recrimination and is not influenced by the page-after-page anti-Trump rants in some papers.
Another sportsman who weighed in for Trump was Reggie Jackson, who went on record with this: "I believe he's fun. I think he's going to have some battles. Being smart and having a good heart will overcome."
Jackson, whose father is half Puerto Rican, certainly does not voice with those who are calling Trump Hitler. And for that chorus much disapproval is coming from New Yorkers, as it is just getting on their nerves. From Brooklyn, Jo-Ellen Sanders wrote in to the New York Daily News: "I am not a Donald Trump fan, but I find your coverage of him very spiteful and childish (Letters, p. 30, 11 March)." On the same page, Joanna Hughes of Maspeth reminds us that the Pope may not  be the best person to judge another Christian, Trump does not go after the Pope despite the rash of child abuse in the Pope's house. More Christian is Trump in this regard. Again, I urge the NYDN to listen to their own readers. And do not that other papers are more objective, the New York Times does not embark on this childish nonsense and sets a more mature tone. Older paper, more wisdom. Please grow up Mr. Zuckerman. Take a cue from your elder, the Gray Lady on 8th Avenue across from the Port Authority.
And take a cue from a top surgeon - Dr. Ben Carson, who, like Damon, puts aside some differences and is man enough to endorse Trump. You just might reconsider your stand that Trump is a racist.
And now I'd like to propose that Dr Carson, about whom I had very positive things to say on a previous post, ( )  even if I do think Trump, what with his business experience, would at this time make a better president, be picked as the VP. A very smart guy in the White House for years adding to his top surgical skills the top political experience in the nation - and voila my dudes, a REAL black president in 2015 (hoping Trump stays in for eight years). He will have had much more experience professionally and politically than Obama should this be the case. And we can all be proud not just that a (partially) black man is residing at 1600, but that one who really can do a good job is there.
On that note let's look at reasons to vote or not to vote. Some people vote because of race or gender. Dumb. Real dumb. I mean, if you need a doctor, and you are black, and a white surgeon who can do a good job and save your life is there, do you refuse and risk your health? Did white people refuse having a top qualified, board certified surgeon like Dr Carson wield the scalpel when the needed? Not unless they were stupid.
In real life we need the right person for the job, not the white or the black person. So now there are people wanting to vote for Hillary just because she is a woman and all that jazz. As noted on previous posts, where were their votes when Cynthia McKinney ran for president? A woman...AND black. Where were the brothers and sisters? Too busy reading the mainstream media which ignored her, and us.
Trump does not ignore us. He in fact courts our vote AND said outright, we would be the vote that counts.
So that is the point of this blog. Be what counts, and I will be contacting the Trump Campaign HQ to recommend Dr Carson. Common sense political strategy.
And in 2024, we might be running this same blog but for a professionally qualified and politically experienced individual, in whose hands many people, black or white, have trusted their lives.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Trumping the Daily News

Today I went out to the deli. The usual thing. Wake up, get some coffee, look at the news. No new shootings, good. No new terrorist attacks, still good. Off to a better start than usual.
And even more good news: Paul O'Neill endorses Trump.
Or is it? The New York Daily News, ever out to portray the Donald as 'Hitler' etc., has the title on the front page: APPALL O'NEILL. What is appalling?
That someone is winning of whom you do not approve (even if most of your READERS do - see previous post with quotes from NYDN's very own readers!)?
No. What  IS appalling is that this is supposed to be a NEWS paper. So where was the new news and very good news at that about Trump winning two more caucuses?
Oh...buried it under PAGES of nonsense about a pastor with conspiratorial views who is a Trump supporter. Maybe the pastor is right, maybe he is wrong, no journalist even went to the trouble to interview the many people support Hillary Clinton who do things like support terrorists and go so far as write letters to the White House encouraging their release? Not a word about Melissa Mark Viverito, NYC City Council leader, doing just that. Send a journalist to get some NEWS if you wanna be called the NY Daily NEWS.  You are like the NY Daily FOOL. And if I want a fool in this town, I don't have to pay no dollar - I can walk the streets and hear every crackhead for free. My dudes and dudettes you are sounding like a bunch of crack whores. Stick the to FACTS.
So I spent a dollar and it took me half an hour to find what went on in the campaign, sifting through all the foolishness the NYDN sees fit to print.  Most Americans want to know that, not hear some journalist's opinion.
And then there's the matter of Iranian nuclear scientists in South America quietly enriching uranium and getting near the lithium fields from which they can get Lithium 6 to facilitate the making of small nukes.
Any ideas? Might this be worth more than a whole page about a paranoid pastor who might vote for Trump? And if he does, he will get a man in the White House who is already committed to acting diplomatically, quickly and efficiently to working out securing America's strategic interests in its own backyard...and keeping the terrorists who killed Americans in NYC on the 4th of July in a federal prison until they die and stop being a burden on the taxpayer.

You want news? I got it. And I got things the journalists in NY are too stupid and too afraid to print and I got it hot and - best of all - I am doing it FREE. That's right. I am a former serviceman, demo expert in Saudi, and I got lots of friends from the 5 branches of the service who know what is for REAL and are sharing things the papers don't want to touch. Some of it may be classified. That bit about nuke enrichment in South America? You can read some of it in a book by former USMC man Joe Humire, it will back me up. And I can give you more than what he got. And MUCH MORE than any stupid paper in NY. Now you can save that $ you just spent on Mort Zuckerman and buy 2 cups of coffee and wake up for real!

Hot off the press. FREE. Best news in town.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Joker's wild at the Daily News

The New York Daily News is getting silly and hysterical; the front page (6 March) says "TRUMP IS HITLER".
And what great intellect is behind this? Some joker named Louis C.K., a foul mouthed stand up who
does little to back up his opinions. I suspect that C.K. would in fact have voted for Hitler back in the day
as Hitler was not in the right wing; if we take note of history, his party was a SOCIALIST party - the German National Socialist Worker's Party.  Some only recall the acronym, nazi, and not the reality. Left wingers.
So guys like C.K. were busy with their little jokes of getting the lefty do-gooder in power while bashing the right. The lefty leader and journalist (Hitler worked for Hearst, and went on to own a paper in Germany)  took his country to war with Russia. Bad move. And in the previous post, we are presented FACTS that the NYDN, too busy with its opinions and jokes, does NOT present, such as the unprecedented military build up around Russia, paid for by NYDN editors and other assorted taxpayers in the good ol' US of A.

That could mean YOU.

C.K.'s real agenda though might be coming from the NRA; he is strangely concerned with the 2nd Amendment, worrying Trump might change that. Scroll down on this site for more FACTS not jokes. Trump wants longer waiting time and NO automatic weapons in the wrong hands. No more jokers with machine guns thanks to the NRA -which, by the way, has its share of left wingers and media types, Robert de Niro for instance who hangs out downtown Manhattan (where he owns a wharf and an ampitheatre).

But C.K. does wax serious when he says: "I'm an idiot and I'm sure a bunch of you are annoyed by this. F---cking celebrity with an opinion."

At least he got that right. He goes on to say, about Trump: "And really I'm not saying he's evil or a monster." -Then he gets it VERY WRONG: he continues with: "In fact I don't think that Hitler was."

So what DO you think Hitler was?

And what DO you think Hillary is?

The NYDN goes on ad nausuem with the same nonsense, Larry McShane echoing the Hitler bit on p.5, citing others, such as Bill Maher, NJ Gov. Christie, former Gov. Whitman, and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, as having also called Trump Hitler.

Gov. Christie in fact ENDORSED Trump. More of this kind of stuff follows on pp.32-34. At least they did quote him correctly on p. 35 (Ed.): "the United States is bound by laws and I will not order our military or other officials to violate those laws and will seek their advice on such matters. It is clear that as President I will be bound by laws just like all Americans and I will meet those responsibilities."

But finally the joke in on the NYDN: for on the letters' page, the readers are overwhelmingly FOR Trump;
Phil Privitera, from Pennsylvania, takes issue with the paper's berating of his supporters; Jeanne O'Connor notes the antics of Sen. Mitch McConnell (Rep., Kentucky) as having sowed the seeds for the Trump procession, shining a light on the bad antics of the anti-Trump wing of the GOP; David Reniewich of Long Island City notes the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney, telling him to 'Zip it'; Sharon Lintner from Pennsylvania brings up the irony of the Pope making negative remarks about Trump, citing the child rapists in the Catholic Church as rather unqualified to pick a president; and the best from Frank Orito in East Marion, Long Island, who gives us a scene of a house infestation by vermin which the city officials and local businesses cannot deal with, but which gets treated by a local character who smells, swears and has plumber's crack but gets the job done.

And that is why people are voting for Trump; getting the job done. So listen up  NYDN, Mitt Romney, and any child abusers and terrorist supporters (like Melissa Mark-Viverito, Hillary Clinton) - the US wants a job done.

So thanks the the readers of the NYDN. Job well done. Let's hope the editors take note.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ice on Fire: the danger of Democrats in the White House

In an earlier post I noted that Donald Trump is the best candidate as he is not a war candidate, and he specifically has an understanding of Vladimir Putin and Russia. He and Putin meet as men and get along, each with a respect for the other. Concern about reckless Democrats starting more wars is necessary; it was Dems who pulled the stupid Bay of Pigs and then then started the Vietnam War on a lie. People let their guard down with this party of losers and think it is about helping poor people. Poor people want jobs not war and a pat on the back from some idiot savant, as Adlai Stevenson turned out to be, seen as not just an idiot but a liar every time he opened his mouth at the UN trying to deny American involvement in the Bay of Pigs. Democrats also tend to feel intellectually superior to military men, whose lives they do not hesitate to spend. So we need to be a lot more intelligent about whom we elect and not look to the false hopes that Clinton offers. I am 100% that woman WILL take the US to war with Russia and the background reasons for it will be the underground economy some of her people are into, including drugs and human sex slaves. Russia bombed a convoy in Syria that had not only terrorists but DRUGS; ever wonder why the US has been so unsuccessful with ISIS? It is not really trying. This whole thing is a scam like Vietnam and the Democrats are playing like they are for peace. Not that I love the GOP...

One issue here is the press; while they are out making scary headlines, yesterday in the Daily News they used the words 'Code Orange' and put on their front page some nonsense from GOP members telling us that Trump could not be trusted, when in FACT, it is Trump who is NOT for war or nuclear action against Russia - people are NOT informed about the reality of what these supposed love doves in the White House are really doing with your tax $.

Stephen Cohen, author of two or more books on Russia, warns us very specifically in the Nation about a secret military build up by the Obama administration, to which Hillary Clinton is certainly party. On pp. 4-5 of the 29 Feb. 2016 issue he writes:

The Obama administration has just recklessly escalated its military confrontation with Russia. The Pentagon's announcement that it will more than quadruple military spending on the US-NATO forces in countries on or near Russia's borders pushes the new Cold War toward actual war - possibly even a nuclear one.
The move is unprecendented in modern times. With the exception of Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union, Western military power has never been positioned so close to Russia. The Obama administration's decision is Russian roulette Washington-style, making the new Cold War even more dangerous than the preceding one. Russia will certainly react, probably by moving more of its own heavy weapons, including advanced missiles, to its Western borders, possibly along with a number of tactical nuclear weapons. Indeed, a new and more dangerous US-Russian nuclear-arms race has been under way for several years, and the Obama administration's latest decision can only intensify it.
The decision will have other woeful consequences. It will undermine ongoing negotiations between Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the Ukranian and Syrian crises, and it will further divide Europe itself, which is far from united on Washington's increasingly hawkish approach to Moscow.
Astonishingly, these potentially fateful developments have barely been reported in the US media, and there's been no public discussion, not even by the current presidential candidates during their debates. Never before in modern times has such a dire international situation been so ignored in an American presidential campaign. The reason may be that everything related to the new Cold War in US-Russian relations since the Ukrainian crisis erupted in November 2013 has been attributed solely to the "aggression" of Russian president Vladimir Putin or to "Putin's Russia" - a highly questionable assertion, but long the media's standard policy narrative.
Every presidential candidate and the leaders of both parties, as well as the editors and writers in the mainstream media who profess to be covering the 2016 campaign, the state of our nation, and world affairs are morally obliged to bring these dire developments to the fore. Otherwise, they will be harshly judged by history - if anyone is still around to write it. 

Again, where is the press? Out covering Romney's stupid tirade against Trump; when they ought to be UNcovering important things like the SECRET MILITARY BUILD UP BY DEMOCRATS.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Hillary Clinton's problems with the African-American community

For anyone thinking that the black vote ought to go to a white woman named Clinton, maybe they ought to read: This from Yahoo Politics:

Throughout her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, Clinton has had numerous uncomfortable confrontations with young black people. The most recent dealt with Clinton's fraught history with racial justice — particularly her advocacy for then-President Bill Clinton's 1994 crime bill and her vocal perpetuation of the term "superpredator," which further demonized gang-involved youth of color, in 1996.
The exchange came at a private fundraiser in Charleston, South Carolina, on Feb. 24, where an activist named Ashley Williams asked Clinton to apologize for her role in perpetuating mass incarceration — which to this day disproportionately impacts black Americans.

Again, if anyone wanted a black president, 100% black - and a woman to boot - where was the press on Cynthia McKinney from Stone Mountain Georgia (MLK Country)? Clinton stabbed McKinney in the back - after McKinney was the first Congresswoman to ask for an impeachment of Bush. Where was Clinton? She did not give a damn about blacks or the Democratic Party or Stone Mountain. 

Why Romney is bashing Trump

A few years ago, January 2012 to be exact, a friend of mine went to a Romney fundraiser at the Sheraton on 7th Avenue & 53rd. He had a friend with him to film what he was going to do. And at the right moment, with his friend using a cell phone, Ken Gibson got in front of Mitt Romney and told him that as a former serviceman he was asking Romney to do the right thing for the US: quit acting like a fool and resign from the candidates debate. And Gibson had good reason. This guy knows and  researches tons of politicians from here to London, his family once worked Bush 41. And he had dirt on Romney, going back to the Michigan child abuse scandals that Cathy O'Brien wrote about in her book "Trance-Formation of America." Romney's dad, he told me, was a nasty child abuser along with Gerald Ford and they, along with a Mormon mafia, ran a multi-million $ child abuse ring.

So when he started to mention a couple of key words that would really embarrass Romney, the thugs employed by Romney grabbed  him, threatening arrest for 'embarrassing a candidate'. WOW! Was this the USA or a Mormon crime hood? Gibson told them to call the cops and he would press charges for kidnap as they were illegally holding  him.
Unfortunately, his friend did not have such nerve, and acquiesced when Romney's thugs demanded he delete the footage. Somehow the BBC got a hold of this and ran it on the radio, comparing British freedom at political debates to the Romney debacle. It did not make the US look good.
Romney is not about making the US look good. He needs to be investigated deeply along with thousands of Mormon criminals.

Trump wants to take the country away from Mormon crime syndicates and this could mean Romney goes to jail. He does not get to arrest people for exercising free speech, he does not get to spend time alone with young girls, and he does not get out free. This is America. Rich criminals go to jail, that's how it will be with Trump. So expect lots of crooked politicians, GOP and Dem, to get scared. The good ol' boy network and the lefty mafia are what has made America poor.

And they won't go down without a fight. Man, we gotta fight, Romney is showing the head of the snake and we know this ain't no piece of cake. We will fight, this time in the polls, and we will win.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Super Tuesday pits Trump vs. Clinton/terrorists freed from jail in the US

Super Tuesday was a great day for Donald Trump, leaving him to battle Ted Cruz, a candidate who was not born in the US as a president needs to be, and hails from a state, Texas, with not just a low rating in the school system, but the LOWEST in the USA.
Cruz took his state and Oklahoma; Trump took most other states, and not surprisingly, Marc Rubio took his state of Florida. Also no surprise were Hillary Clinton's wins among the Dems, she even took Massachusetts away from Bernie Sanders, who is definitely a better person and politician than she. I know about him, he is from Brooklyn, I was born in Brooklyn.
And I know about Clinton and another politician from NY -  I am alluding to Clinton's friend in the Left
Melissa Mark-Viverito. She is so deranged she writes letters to the president asking for terrorists who killed Americans on the 4th of July in NYC and who will not renounce violence to be freed from jail.
And if Hillary gets in, guess what, terrorists the world over are going to be happy. You will not; they will and you will be paying for it.
That is why black people are NOT going to vote for Clinton or support her idiot friends like Melissa Mark-Viverito. It has not so much to do with their alleged sexual predation on young girls, but on the fact that black people do not want idiots and terrorists in power. Nobody wants to walk down the street and see something they don't want to see. Like maybe people running from the scene as a dirty bomb is detonated.
That is what is brewing, and so let me give you some facts the House and Senate are not going to give you.
Behind the scenes, the Iranians have stopped enriching uranium in Iran.
So that's good, right? Wrong. I said IN IRAN. They are now working in South America, with strong links to Argentina, and an ever increasing foothold in Bolivia. Clinton did nothing to combat this, even though there is uranium and lithium 6 (used to facilitate dirty bombs) in South America where they are secretly creating enrichment facilities.
Former USMS Sargeant Joe Humire testified before both House and Senate about this, and edited a book, "Iran's Secret Penetration of Latin America." Clinton did NOTHING. And she will do NOTHING. Intel people and former military guys I hang out with tell me she is being blackmailed partly on account of her sexual proclivities, and also that she is working drug cartels in the Balkans etc. She messed up Serbia and this pleased a lot of Moslem extremists and criminals in that part of the world.
So the US in in DEEP trouble with the likes of Clinton and Mark-Viverito anywhere near a public office.
On the other hand, while I cannot say too much, Trump is privy to a plan that would lead to diplomatically getting Iran OUT of South America while strengthening ties to South American countries, he is NOT like the Bushes and Obama who have make trouble for Evo Morales etc. He can reach out to Morales, which Clinton did not - and this puts the US on the track of getting rid of the Iranian nuclear scientists working in the backyard without any stupid Bay of Pigs scenario which the DEMOCRATS tried to pull off, with very bad results and all kinds of lies and cover ups. Kennedy messed it up, and Clinton could easily what with her sending top secret email on her hotmail make it worse.
If you are Joe Neckbone enough to believe Clinton's nonsense about a tender loving country then you deserve her. Wake up my man and talk to someone who has (BTW, I am a former demolitions expert with experience in the Gulf) time in service and NOT these luvvy duvvy lefties who wanna save the world AFTER their sex romp and a nice letter to the White House asking to release TERRORISTS on US soil.
My man, Trump may not be your bestest friend in the whole world, but he has his hands on real work and gets things done and does NOT mess around trying to help out terrorists.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Donald Trump stares down KKK

The press is trying to insinuate that Trump has something to do with the KKK. In fact, he has nothing to do with them, and stared down a KKK supporter at one of his rallies - the link is here, check it out, - - the camera never lies, but journalists do quite often.

And there is a story about 30 black students being told to leave an event at a school as it was private property. The Secret Service claims it was not them as it is not their job to escort out protestors, but lo and behold they are on camera doing just that at another event. And one of the protestors asked to leave was white.

The Trump team did NOT have anything to do with the students being asked to leave, and it would not surprise me if it was some kind of either stupid mistake or deliberate sabotage. Trump is on record as wanting our vote and saying our vote would be crucial, so it stands to reason that the powers that be afraid of him for speaking the truth are trying to drive a wedge and create the impression that he is some kind of KKK grand wizard.

Just doesn't work. He may be a swashbuckler but not a racist or an idiot. And as someone said, so what if he is not that sensitive, he is what the country needs.