Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Asses loose at DNC

The circus is in town, at least in Philadelphia, where the Democratic National Convention is turning into a laughing stock what with Bernie Sanders supporters protesting outside, the DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman fired, and now Team Hillary blaming Russia for hacking into the emails that proved the backstabbing going on at the DNC.
Hillary blames Russia; blame Russia? Got any proof?
And are you going to blame Russia next time you carelessly send classified information on your hotmail for all to see?
Blaming Russia for this would not get a serviceman out of a court martial. As neither Hillary nor her intern loving spouse ever did time in the military, let me tell each of them that sending classified information in a careless manner results in brig time. Bread  & water. Loss of liberty, loss of rank, loss of pay.
And telling military judge that is was Russia's fault is not going to get him some patriotic sympathy. It will only piss him off more and you will get less bread with your water.
So think carefully about this careless fool who wants to be president. Her own party has turned against her, the president's brother, Malik Obama, now supports Trump, the writing on the wall is getting very obvious.
Unless you want to have 4 years of bread & water, trump the ass and let's get a president whose family is behind him and who does not send classified information to ISIS via his hotmail.

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