The New York Daily News is at it again; bashing Trump. It seems like just every day...wait, it is every day! Ellen LaRegina wrote in about it"...your paper has seen fit to ridicule and insult Donald Trump every day since he announced he was running. Every day without fail for months now. Yet I have never seen a negative comment about or criticism of Hillary Clinton's errors along her career path, or the many issues she's been questioned about recently - not one negative comment."
Not one negative comment! Yet Trump is Hitler! Trump is insane! And there are readers who write in quasi racist comments, such as the one about not voting for a man whose wife has a certain face. His wife is Slavic. This is starting to get racist. And I am not alone in finding the notes of prejudice in this rag; again, from one of their own readers, Valeria Kondratiev: "As I got to the end of Leonard Greene's July 25 column blasting Donald Trump for prejudice and bigotry, "Don't just beat bigot, crush him," I saw Greene's bigotry come out. He mentions "rednecks" and "bumpkins", so I understand I was reading the words of one more elitist snob who has contempt for anyone who isn't from a big city on the East Coast. As a born New Yorker from Queens, I have always hated this form of New York snobbery and found it embarassing."
This is not the first instance of NYDN New Yorker bigotry towards other Americans. It tries to be this hip left wing paper but fails. It fails to connect even to the Democrats, some of whom, in fact, are voting for Trump; such as Steve Philipp from Brooklyn, who writes: "This registered Democrat will be voting for Trump. Trump is the man to heal the U.S., despite the media's attempts to portray him as divisive. Clinton is part of a criminal organization so dangerous she must be kept out of the White House."
And then another reader, Richard Stallone, notes that Clinton knows nothing - about the DNC sabotage of her rival, about her own emails, etc. Not good. Dangerous sums her up.
I too am voting for Trump.
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