Dallas is the new reality show, and this time, every single American, every single person on this planet, every single alien in the galaxy is tuned in and watching. Black on blue. Red white and dead. All the colours of a rainbow on some desert planet. Lost in Space is coming to a city near you, and this Sunday we had massive arrests with protests in Manhattan, and another black man down.
I guess New York wanted a little of the attention. And speaking of wanting attention, former mayor Rudolf Giuliani got another 15 minutes of it by informing the press that black kids have a 99% chance of killing another black kid. So, like, if you is black, then you gonna have to stay the hell away from black kids. It aint easy.
Rudy is shooting his mouth off twisting a statistic about black-on-black murder, which, like white-on-white murder, is in the 80%-90% for each group, so we are kinda the same, black folk kill black folk and da white man kill da white man so it's like all in da family when it comes to murder.
I always wondered if white man Rudy had anything to do with killing about 3,000 white men and women on 9/11, given that he profited from the sale of the building that housed the first Anthrax infection. That brought the real estate down, he stepped in and took it, he is up many millions of dollars. From death; of whites. (But that's too taboo a subject for some people....but you gotta wake up and learn the reality of 9/11 not what the press told us.)
Could be blacks stay away from blacks and whites stay away from whites and that is how we all live happily ever after.
The rain of crime has momentarily diverted attention from the election parade. Hillary vs. Trump does not make the front page, letters from readers are more about the banquet of death and dead bodies; the latter of which caused objection from the black community, when the New York Daily News showed the image of Alton Sterling cold on earth - Iza Goins wrote in that this was disrespectful to the black community and Simone Pratt made the point that other ethnicities get their dead covered with a sheet to show respect.
But let me share a little personal info here, as all this hits home to me as I am both black, and from a family of blue. It was not too long ago that BLM at an Ivy League tore down Blue Lives Matters signs. I wonder what is happening there now, if they still do that or what. Truth is All Lives Matter, and there are plenty of Blacks who are Blue. Just tune in to 'Dallas'.
But that Texas city does not have the monopoly on crime; it has taken the lead, but somewhere in the background we are still facing the actions of one Hillary Clinton who was let off the hook quite nicely by FBI Director James Comey - who, as another voicer in the NYDN points out, overstepped his bounds of authority by exonerating rather than let a grand jury decide. Her claim to ignorance of the law does not let her break it; just ask a brother if any cop, black or white, ever let them slide if they cried ignorance. No way, my man, and the judge is not fond of hearing that one either. But Hillary is rich. So she can blatantly lie under oath and NOT face perjury charges. Not us. Not poor white folk either. But this rich fox has got away - or has she? - House Oversight Committe Chairman Jason Chaffetz is pushing for another investigation. Comey claimed he needed a referral from Congress to investigate her statements under oath, so Chaffetz is sending it to him. When Comey was questioned about why he did not pursue charges against her, he at one point had to go to the bathroom; for an hour. I don't wanna know. It makes one sick.
And sicker to think that Mrs. Slick could be in the White House. And that she and her party could presume upon the black race to help her into that address is unsettling. So right now, I gotta go, I may be gone for more than an hour contemplating such a sordid concept. But stay tuned, there's an election to cover and I will be in full swing with that real soon.
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