The New York Daily News is at it again; bashing Trump. It seems like just every day...wait, it is every day! Ellen LaRegina wrote in about it"...your paper has seen fit to ridicule and insult Donald Trump every day since he announced he was running. Every day without fail for months now. Yet I have never seen a negative comment about or criticism of Hillary Clinton's errors along her career path, or the many issues she's been questioned about recently - not one negative comment."
Not one negative comment! Yet Trump is Hitler! Trump is insane! And there are readers who write in quasi racist comments, such as the one about not voting for a man whose wife has a certain face. His wife is Slavic. This is starting to get racist. And I am not alone in finding the notes of prejudice in this rag; again, from one of their own readers, Valeria Kondratiev: "As I got to the end of Leonard Greene's July 25 column blasting Donald Trump for prejudice and bigotry, "Don't just beat bigot, crush him," I saw Greene's bigotry come out. He mentions "rednecks" and "bumpkins", so I understand I was reading the words of one more elitist snob who has contempt for anyone who isn't from a big city on the East Coast. As a born New Yorker from Queens, I have always hated this form of New York snobbery and found it embarassing."
This is not the first instance of NYDN New Yorker bigotry towards other Americans. It tries to be this hip left wing paper but fails. It fails to connect even to the Democrats, some of whom, in fact, are voting for Trump; such as Steve Philipp from Brooklyn, who writes: "This registered Democrat will be voting for Trump. Trump is the man to heal the U.S., despite the media's attempts to portray him as divisive. Clinton is part of a criminal organization so dangerous she must be kept out of the White House."
And then another reader, Richard Stallone, notes that Clinton knows nothing - about the DNC sabotage of her rival, about her own emails, etc. Not good. Dangerous sums her up.
Michael Jordan recently did something way cool.
He gave away $1,000,000 to the NAACP; and an equal amount to the Policemans'
Benevolent Association.
He is bothered by killings of blacks and by killings of cops.
So he struck a balance that BLM and other groups in the left fail to do.
Quite possibly he had heard about officers Hameed Armani and Peter Cybulski, who, after
having a bomb tossed into their van, steered the van to a quiet location to avoid mass casualties.
Sgt Hameed said to his partner "We're not going to let this take out someone else with us, multiple casualties."
The bomb turned out to be a fake, and the idiot who tossed it got caught later.
This is what cops have to deal with. And not just fake bombs, but real bombs, in the same precinct as a matter of fact - cops defused a serious carbomb midtown a couple years back.
So when we vote, we really do not want some person or party that is anti police. And/or lenient on terrorists, in fact, Hillary's good friend Melissa Mark-Viverito, who votes herself an unprecedented 40% pay raise while suppressing police pay raises, writes letters to the president asking him to release a terrorist who killed people here in NYC and who does not renounce violence.
Makes you think. Where was Mark-Viverito and Clinton when, not far from the Trump buildings, two cops were saying their prayers expecting to die?
Last week in the US two sisters were murdered. Shot in cold blood by their own dad, who wanted to make $ selling them off in marriage to some pervert in the Middle East. Right here in Texas.
But we did not hear a word about this from Cruz, or Hillary. Oh no, extremist perverts killing their daughters and sisters does not mean anything to them. Left and right boo Trump for calling attention to America's problems and would let this go on.
The lives of Moslem women matter. All lives matter. To me and to black people. But not to the Trump bashers beloved of the New York Daily News, in whose pages I found no mention of Sarah Said, 17, or her elder silbing, Amina.
Inconvenient are their deaths. Let them lie cold in earth. Such girls are to be seen and not heard.
So no wonder that not only is there this group, brothers4trump, and a gays4trump, and environmentalists4trump - but Moslems4trump as well.
Killing your daughter, sister, mom is not to be tolerated and yes you can go the hall back to wherever you came from if that is what you do here.
In this country, at least with a Trump in power, female lives matter.
But not to Hillary Clinton, who is on record sexually abusing a woman in a book titled "Trance-Formation of America." A modern day Elizabeth Bathory.
The circus is in town, at least in Philadelphia, where the Democratic National Convention is turning into a laughing stock what with Bernie Sanders supporters protesting outside, the DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman fired, and now Team Hillary blaming Russia for hacking into the emails that proved the backstabbing going on at the DNC.
Hillary blames Russia; blame Russia? Got any proof?
And are you going to blame Russia next time you carelessly send classified information on your hotmail for all to see?
Blaming Russia for this would not get a serviceman out of a court martial. As neither Hillary nor her intern loving spouse ever did time in the military, let me tell each of them that sending classified information in a careless manner results in brig time. Bread & water. Loss of liberty, loss of rank, loss of pay.
And telling military judge that is was Russia's fault is not going to get him some patriotic sympathy. It will only piss him off more and you will get less bread with your water.
So think carefully about this careless fool who wants to be president. Her own party has turned against her, the president's brother, Malik Obama, now supports Trump, the writing on the wall is getting very obvious.
Unless you want to have 4 years of bread & water, trump the ass and let's get a president whose family is behind him and who does not send classified information to ISIS via his hotmail.
The New York Daily News is desperately trying to tell us how wonderful Hillary and how awful Trump is, spamming us with unreliable statistics such as the one about the black vote - supposedly only 1% is going to Trump.
Well, we got news for the News; blacks all over the world are supporting Trump, and one such world supporter, in Africa, is named Obama.
That's right. Malik Obama is tired of his brother's nonsense. And he is not the only brother tired of his brother. I mean, what about the promise to close down Camp X Ray? Are we being taken for granted and made complicit in crimes as men, many if not all of them innocent, are in prison? Does the Democrat War Machine assume we go along with this because none of the men are African-American?
It seems that way. But that is not how it works. We expect a man to keep his promise and feel let down more when a brother breaks his word. And we do not want to be part of a gross injustice. The civil rights movement is being set back by the Democrats who have hijacked it.
So the brother's brother is not taking it anymore. Enough is enough. We want to get back on course, we want jobs, we want a man who keeps his word, we want Trump!
Not only does the New York Times have to show some respect for the man it maligned in an article recently, but the New York Daily News was seen to print on 15 July ("France must take lead on war vs. ISIS") a quote from Andrew Peek - former Army intel officer and a professor at Pepperdine Universtiy "France is a target of attacks like Nice for three reasons, and a few inconvenient Donald Trump truths."
On the front page of the New York Times, 6 July, there is an article about gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender support for Donald Trump. Trump has always maintained he has 'tremendous support, tremendous friendship from gays lesbians, bisexeuals and transgender people', and the reality is that he supports -Paul E. Singer, GOP billionaire who financed gay rights battles in the US with his American Unity Fund. Trump's actions and words on gay rights have been more supportive than those of any Republican presidential nominee. The NYT gives this honest fact, in stark contrast to their article of two weeks ago in which they twisted a woman's words. It goes on to report that he has supported AIDS charities for years, and welcomed gay couples at his Palm Beach club when doing so was considered remarkable. And he has recently started insisting that he would be a better friend to the gay community than Mrs. Clinton.
The paper is starting to wake up - along with it, many others. Trump has black support - Hispanic support - gay support, the whole rainbow. The left is starting to panic. It is in denial - and some violent moves are manifesting themselves. Last month a young man went to a Trump rally to steal a gun and kill Trump. This last week a man named Ramos in NYC had his house vandalised because the left wingers on his block did not like his Trump sign. They were alarmed to see that not all Blacks and Hispanics buy into the left. Not with people like Melissa Mark-Viverito trying to free violent terrorists who killed Americans on the 4th; and who was the target of a letter from the black community last week decrying her squelching new legislation aimed at protecting blacks from the police; not with liberal Congressional candidate Scott Fenstermaker saying that 9/11 was a good thing - ' one of the greatest events in human history...not only do I think that 9/11 was deserved , I think it was one of the greatest events in human history'. And he out there making foto-ops with blacks. As is Hillary Clinton. And Mark-Viverito. All three of these left wing nut jobs deserve to fade into obscurity, if not a prison term. I look forward to all three also losing at the polls with the help of minority groups they pretend to support.
Today we awake to yet another miserable front page: three officers killed. Baton Rouge was the location, and one could well assume this was in revenge for the Baton Rouge killing of Alton Sterling at the hands of the police.
A call was made early Sunday morning about a man dressed 'in black like a ninja'. While worshippers prayed for the peace of the city, shots rang out. Among the dead policemen was a Montrell Jackson, and if that does not sound like the name of a brother I don't know what does.
No surprise to see his face is black as mine. He had recently married and sired a son. Now he lies cold in earth. Black man down. Red is his blood; blue is his job; white was the sheet that covered his corpse.
When does it end? When do we in this country read the 2nd Amendment for what it is and not for what the NRA interprets it to be?
This is a key change that must be made in the coming administration. While the democrats say that they will take all guns away, we know they are blowing hot air. This is claiming too much and they know it will never occur. But asking for longer background checks will work because it is realistic to ask for, and what Donald Trump has advised.
Politicians make promises they know are unrealistic so they can blame the other side - and lots of blame to be laid at the door of the GOP and NRA for sure - but we need to take steps that will work rather than let idiots grandstand knowing they will accomplish nothing but make a lot of noise to attract voters.
Farewell Officer Jackson, and your brethren Officers Gerald and Garafola. The extremists on both sides - including the likes of George Bush who refused petitions from the Texas police - have blood on their hands. For you and all other victims of gun violence we need to take the steps of increasing background checks and as Trump suggested banning assault guns.
The scary thing about the liberal Hillary regime is that the left is full of educated stupid people who think they are above the law, above the people, above the cops. Here in Manhattan we have a doctor who is smart-stupid and was arrested after hitting cops with her car. Thankfully she lost her job over the fiasco, but we are left with so many other self righteous lefties that we simply cannot afford to put any in the White House. Trump, whatever his shortcomings, supports our police. To him black lives matter, blue lives matter, all lives matter. There is in fact a Gays4Trump group. Brothers4Trump, Gays4Trump, Everybody ought to be 4Trump!
Here is the story about the anti-cop anti-Trump doctor from hell who hit our cops with her car:
A cancer surgeon who boasted that her job made her superior to the
lowly NYPD officers arresting her for refusing a summons and clipping a
cop with her car took a plea deal Tuesday in Manhattan court — but remained unrepentant for the bizarre fiasco. Rachel Wellner, 40, wearing a red minidress and black pumps, pleaded
guilty to disorderly conduct — a violation, not a crime — for parking in
a crosswalk Feb. 18. “The people are making the offer,” said ADA Michael McCarthy,
“because it is defendant’s first arrest and the officer involved did not
experience serious injury.” Defense lawyer Christopher Galiardo retorted, “The officer didn’t experience any injuries.”
Judge Ushir Pandit-Durant sentenced the former breast cancer
specialist at Montefiore Medical Center to a conditional discharge and
10 days of community service. The non-criminal record will be sealed in
two years.
As she strolled out of court, Wellner said she regretted stopping in
the Midtown crosswalk: “I’m remorseful for that, that’s all I did.” Wellner allegedly got into trouble when cops tried to give her a
summons for blocking the walkway with her car on West 55th Street
between Eighth and Ninth avenues. “I’m a doctor,” she sniffed to police, wearing her green scrubs. “I
have patients that are dying. I have to go. I’m the hero, the cops are
not. I don’t accept the summons.” She then ramped up her tirade, allegedly hurling homophobic slurs at the officers. Modal TriggerRachel WellnerPhoto: Umar Abbasi“All women who are cops are dykes,” she said, according to court papers. The cops finally had enough when she screamed, “Help! Police are
assaulting me!” and placed her under arrest, the complaint states. But the high-strung doctor continued to struggle as officers tried to
cuff her and “jumped up and down” in her Volvo, court papers say. Wellner hit the gas and allegedly struck Officer Niguel Vega in the
legs. She was promptly booked on reckless endangerment, resisting arrest
and other raps. “I’ve been painted in a very negative and inaccurate light,” Wellner
previously said in a phone interview, denying that she uttered the
hateful slurs.
She was terminated from her position at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx.
Dallas is the new reality show, and this time, every single American, every single person on this planet, every single alien in the galaxy is tuned in and watching. Black on blue. Red white and dead. All the colours of a rainbow on some desert planet. Lost in Space is coming to a city near you, and this Sunday we had massive arrests with protests in Manhattan, and another black man down.
I guess New York wanted a little of the attention. And speaking of wanting attention, former mayor Rudolf Giuliani got another 15 minutes of it by informing the press that black kids have a 99% chance of killing another black kid. So, like, if you is black, then you gonna have to stay the hell away from black kids. It aint easy.
Rudy is shooting his mouth off twisting a statistic about black-on-black murder, which, like white-on-white murder, is in the 80%-90% for each group, so we are kinda the same, black folk kill black folk and da white man kill da white man so it's like all in da family when it comes to murder.
I always wondered if white man Rudy had anything to do with killing about 3,000 white men and women on 9/11, given that he profited from the sale of the building that housed the first Anthrax infection. That brought the real estate down, he stepped in and took it, he is up many millions of dollars. From death; of whites. (But that's too taboo a subject for some people....but you gotta wake up and learn the reality of 9/11 not what the press told us.)
Could be blacks stay away from blacks and whites stay away from whites and that is how we all live happily ever after.
The rain of crime has momentarily diverted attention from the election parade. Hillary vs. Trump does not make the front page, letters from readers are more about the banquet of death and dead bodies; the latter of which caused objection from the black community, when the New York Daily News showed the image of Alton Sterling cold on earth - Iza Goins wrote in that this was disrespectful to the black community and Simone Pratt made the point that other ethnicities get their dead covered with a sheet to show respect.
But let me share a little personal info here, as all this hits home to me as I am both black, and from a family of blue. It was not too long ago that BLM at an Ivy League tore down Blue Lives Matters signs. I wonder what is happening there now, if they still do that or what. Truth is All Lives Matter, and there are plenty of Blacks who are Blue. Just tune in to 'Dallas'.
But that Texas city does not have the monopoly on crime; it has taken the lead, but somewhere in the background we are still facing the actions of one Hillary Clinton who was let off the hook quite nicely by FBI Director James Comey - who, as another voicer in the NYDN points out, overstepped his bounds of authority by exonerating rather than let a grand jury decide. Her claim to ignorance of the law does not let her break it; just ask a brother if any cop, black or white, ever let them slide if they cried ignorance. No way, my man, and the judge is not fond of hearing that one either. But Hillary is rich. So she can blatantly lie under oath and NOT face perjury charges. Not us. Not poor white folk either. But this rich fox has got away - or has she? - House Oversight Committe Chairman Jason Chaffetz is pushing for another investigation. Comey claimed he needed a referral from Congress to investigate her statements under oath, so Chaffetz is sending it to him. When Comey was questioned about why he did not pursue charges against her, he at one point had to go to the bathroom; for an hour. I don't wanna know. It makes one sick.
And sicker to think that Mrs. Slick could be in the White House. And that she and her party could presume upon the black race to help her into that address is unsettling. So right now, I gotta go, I may be gone for more than an hour contemplating such a sordid concept. But stay tuned, there's an election to cover and I will be in full swing with that real soon.
This letter was sent by a friend of mine and I just wanted to post it here today. After writing about black-on-black and white guys with guns now I find myself confronted with yet more tales of gun violence. This has got to stop, and Trump is the candidate to take this bull by the horns, not the careless Clinton, so skilled in sexual predation and defending guilty sexual predators. _________________________________________________________________________________
Yesterday we were joking that 7/7 had to occur; 7/7/16, being ina way, 7/7/7 - we said it would be too tempting NOT to have a terror attack. And the US is more of a target than anywhere right now. It is the goal. Paris, Bangaldesh, even Mecca, these are only warmups.
The US is the prize. ISIS or any other group has its sights on the Land of Liberty.
And at 11pm New York time, as I was in the Port Authority, with people glaring at each other, cops poised to go into action, a drummer reciting the names of Eric Garner and all the other slain African Americans, something terrible happened.
was not in the Big Apple as would be expected; people here were
breating a sigh of relief that the 4th of July had passed with only a
small device blowing off a man's foot (except for the head of the City
Council, Melissa Mark-Viverito who is so sick and crazy that she wants
to let violence loving terrorists who did in fact kill Americans on the
4th out of jail, but that is another story, one of these
only-in-New-York kind of things that noone in the UK would ever believe
until they google it...).
It happened not far from the 22/11/1963 incident in which a US president was left cold in earth by a sniper; or snipers. Yesterday
snipers peppered the sea of blue with a hail of bullets; five dead,
seven wounded. One shot execution stuyle in the back.
and and black-on-blue all turned into a river of blood;
red, white, blue and black just after the 4th of July. It rained, it
poured, with thunder in the night turning into hours of negotiations,
sniping, shooting, and finally a robot with a bomb to end the gentle
discussion part and bring the horror to an end. One dead sniper and his
accomplices cuffed. Interrogation begins. A new file is opened at the
Closure? The New York Post says war; Civil War.
The tension along with heatwave in New York sets in motion a dissonance of tones for the city of 9/11.
yes, there are a few who are asking if maybe, just maybe, these snipers
were instigated by a secret hand looking to start destruction in the
US. Maybe, maybe not, but it is best to look at this when it is fresh
and keep a record. A new file. Still no closure. Red white and blue at half mast.
the distance a drumbeat, faint but steady. War is in the air. Civil
War, they call it. Grey is the rainbow hanging heavy in the sky.
In times like this we need not the careless hand of a sexual predator as is Hillary Clinton, but the experienced hand of a man who is on record for asking for greater checks on who gets guns and who does not. As we sober from the shock, may we vote for the best person to heal this country and not let the Post headlines become true.
So Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted. After grilling her she got off, and it was noted that she was "careless." Makes some people want her to be president, some people who might like a weak and careless opponent.
A weak and careless opponent is a blessing. And Donald Trump knows that. He is expressing his gratitude to the FBI for NOT prosecuting her, else he might have to face a worthier opponent. Previously on this blog we have noted that Bernie Sanders is a very decent person, not just that he is from Brooklyn like me, but he is actually careful, a trait you want in someone charged with the affairs of state.
But the fat lady has not yet sung, and Hillary may be gloating too soon; the US State Department has opened its own investigation, probably angry at feeling that her carelessness has cost American lives.
But when it came to defending a guilty sexual predator who raped a child, Clinton, or Rodham as she was then known, was careful and efficient. We know where her priorities are. And who would have reason to vote for her.
White men with guns can be a scary concept. Not that black men with guns are lots of fun.
Fact is, most blacks killed by gunfire are killed by blacks. Black-on-black and
white on-white is the norm.
The last post was in fact about a white man, maybe only a boy, who almost added to the
white-on-white. He did not get to add his name to the list of killers as he was stopped;
by a white man with a gun, in fact, the very white man whose gun the boy was trying to steal.
And now two more white men got stopped, again, by white men with guns.
So whites kill whites with guns and also whites stop other whites from exercising their
free expression.
This second case of white men with guns was close to home for me, having been born in
Brooklyn, to which borough Messrs. John Cramsey and Dean Smith were headed, before their
mission was stopped by New Jersey cops.
Officer John Basil, seeing a loaded pistol magazine in the vehicle, ordered
Smith out and started a search. He and his partner found then
a small arsenal, replete with an AR-15 assault rifle and a 12-gauge shotgun,
2,000 rounds of ammo, a bulletproof vest - these dudes were ready for a
hot night in the city.
And they might have ended cold in earth but
for the white men in uniform. Given that they were about to knock on the
door of a drug den, and attempt to rescue a female victim of the drug
trade, whose friend had in fact landed cold in earth after an OD, these
men can be thankful to the police.
But I am not against their intent;rescuing young people from drug dens
ought to be done every single day
in this country and drug dealers who turn underage girls into whores
ought to be sent to a military camp where soldiers and sailors work them
on chain gangs and teach them how to be men.
Why are we wasting $
overseas endangering out troops and exposing them to depleted uranium
when the enemy combatants are in da hood raping our young? Killing cops?
Disrupting businesses?
Why, why, why.
I hear no formidable
answers, only excuses coming from politicians and the media types - some
of whom are in jail for abusing children and doing drugs - in Arizona, a
couple was arrested after their baby had to be taken to a hospital due
to the mother's use of cocaine; the doctor's hands were tied trying to
save the baby as the couple refused to allow them to do a blood test.
Selfish media types, along with director Jace Alexander of "Law and
Order' who has sick sexual fantasies about raping children. The only law
an order we have is a sick fantasy presented to us by people who have
sick fantasies. And make lots of money at it. like drug dealers.
But getting back to our white dudes with guns - as there is much more to the
story here, and I am can actually empathise quite a bit with them - let
it be known that Cramsey four months ago lost a daughter to drugs. Now
if a brother out there took a gun to the dealer who killed his child
with drugs, I would feel empathy. Even respect. I cannot condone
breaking the law, but in many black countries, you do this, the village
elders beat you. There is not public defender to get you out and lose
the case in the system. Drug dealers get their ass kicked in many parts
of Africa, you just ask a brother from there.
So I do not begrduge a white man kicking ass when white man has lost his daughter.
A man is a man, whatever his skin may be, and the right to defend his offspring is
not to be taken away.
Cramsey, by the way, goes the extra mile in many cases and record notes that he
has time and again the offspring of others, including those of the black
community, by kicking in doors of crack dens and rescuing these
Drugs are being foisted upon the American people with the
help now of the Chinese gangs and the Communist Party, intent on
destroying America and not having anyone to defend other Asian nations
as it builds islands in the stream from which it can attack Japan and
Korea. Drugs are a weapon; dealers are enemy combatants.
The American citizen who has lost his child to drugs, and that includes thousands in
the black community, even when the children stayed away from drugs -
but were gunned down by sick, dirtbag dealers on the street - has a
right to defend him/herself and the nation. Perhaps Cramsey and Smith
went overboard. But should their punishment be more than what we give a
drug dealer? No way.
To add to the argument for Cramsey and show that he is far from being a dangerous
Caucasian with a violent streak, he
started a facebook page called Enough is Enough - where addicts get help
and parents support each other. This is causing alarm in left wing
political circles because it is showing just how bad the drug problem
has become in the eight years of the Obama/Clinton/Sanders/Biden rule,
and causing citizens to take action that the politicians have abdicated.
In this environment of a foreign attack upon America - with an politicians
that aided it by giving it American secret weapons back in the Clintons
days - citizens are looking for a leader who will NOT try to stop the man who does
NOT have a conflict of interest of a history of giving
away America to the Chinese (note if you will the Wong Wong concert at
the White House in which the pianist plays major communist victory
themes that have anti-American subthemes).
Donald Trump, master of controversy, enters the ring and both sides attack him.
Both sides cite his imperfections, and would offer us nothing but the same nasty
routine that has made America sick and poor.
What to do?
Vote for drug dealing, China supporting thieves because we are used to them?
I leave this in a rhetorical mode rather than go on. An answer will be
provided not from our speculating but from events to come.
Food for thought having been once more provided on this site, I would hope
that the Clintons end up in jail and Trump in the White House.
Here is the link to an article about how some in the US are trying to take away people's right to vote. Written by Matt Taibbi, one of the best journalists on the face of the planet, my dude this is a must read, and the comments on it are excellent, well, some of them, gotta scroll down and pick the best ones.
The last posts were about white men with guns, which is of course not a nice topic. What can be worse? Well, maybe black women with guns. I mean, you kind of expect in today's world the white men with guns concept, so hearing about black women with guns makes you think twice. We got lots of guns, plenty to go around, just ask ISIS.
Anyway, here is the news item about a black women with rage towards the woman next door making too much noise:
Tuesday, the FBI in Milwaukee added Shanika S. Minor to the list. Minor
— who uses the alias Ida Jackson — is charged in the fatal shooting of
her mother's pregnant neighbor and unborn child about one week after
Minor confronted Tamecca Perry, with a complaint about loud music. Minor
has no previous criminal record.
Minor is the seventh Wisconsin fugitive to appear on the FBI list since its inception in 1950, and the first from Milwaukee.
first challenged the woman to a fight the night of March 5 with a
semi-automatic gun in hand. She fired several shots into the air and
left the scene at her mother's request.
later, about 3 a.m. March 6, Minor entered the neighbor's home armed
with a gun. Her mother again attempted to intervene, stepping between
Minor and the pregnant neighbor, but was unable to de-escalate the
situation before Minor reached over her mother's shoulder and fired a
round at the woman's chest.
Takes your breath away. And makes you all the more want them to take guns away from unstable people. That is what Trump was talking about, before the young white man tried to take the gun away from the police. As I said, lots of guns to go around but we can at least be thankful there were not enough for that young man to have his own. He comes from the UK where in fact only cops, hunters and drug dealers have guns. And maybe of course along with drug dealers child rapists.
So he'll go back to his own country if he really wants a gun, he can become a cop, hunter, drug dealer, or child rapist. All of which by the way have plenty of guns here in the US.
All kidding and post 4th of July goofy writing about black women and white men with guns, we have a summer ahead of us that can make history, and we can make it a better country if we get Trump in the White House.