Monday, December 19, 2016

Fake News; Moslem student a liar and Texas elector a liar as well

These days the press is in a war, the first casualty of which is truth. There are few journalists out there looking out for facts; last week one British journalist, Genevieve Roberts, bravely stood up to the most Goliath Daily Mail when she twitted to the world that their front page story on Myanmar soldiers abusing children was wrong. The Daily Mail has yet to apologize. Most of Roberts' colleagues just accepted the lies and do not dare take on the paper with the most widely read internet news portal in the world.
And here in the US we can expect little apology from the press which gave us another round of fake  news, including a story on a Moslem woman who was allegedly set on by three white Trump supporters on the train - and  how nobody came to her aid.  Nobody came to her aid because nobody ever attacked her. And then there is the hero worship accorded Chris Suprun, the Texas elector who refuses to cast his vote today in the Electoral  College for Donald Trump. Chris supposedly was a first responder on 9/11. Chris is a liar.

Here then is a look at both stories to see who the press in the US, like the press in the UK, needs a fact checker. And oh, later today, we can see what the Electoral College does, let's hope Clinton has not booked another big party for herself replete with fireworks. Cause there ain't gonna be any honey!

Moslem Student story debunked:

17 Dec. NY Post by Rick Calder and Jamie Schram - Mayor de Blasio is furious at the Muslim student who lied about being the target of a hate crime on the subway...
"I am really angry at this young woman for, in effect, doing a huge disservice to everyone," the mayor said, speaking of Yasmin Seweid during de Blasio's WNYC radio call-in show Friday.
Seweid, 18, of North New Hyde Park, LI, admitted to cops this week that she had made up her story of being accosted Dec. 1 by three white drunks who called her a terrorists, taunted, "Donald Trump!" and tried to pull off her headscarf.

Chris Suprun debunked:

16 Dec. NY  Daniel Harper The Texas Republican elector who gained notoriety after pledging not to vote for Donald Trump falsely claimed he was a 9/11 first responder, it was reported Friday.

WFAA, the ABC affiliate in Dallas, said it turned up evidence to rebut Chris Suprun’s claim that he rushed to the attack at the Pentagon on 9/11 while serving as a firefighter in Virginia.
“He claimed to be a first responder with the Manassas Park [Virginia] Fire Department on September 11, 2001 and personally told us stories ‘I was fighting fire that day at the Pentagon.’ No, I was on a medic unit that day at the Pentagon and you make a phone call to Manassas Park and you find out that he wasn’t even employed there until October 2001,” a source told the radio station.
Manassas Park — which is 30 miles from the Pentagon — confirmed to the outlet that Suprun was hired a month after the attack on Oct. 10, 2001. That fire station, moreover, did not respond to the terror at the Pentagon.’ No, I was on a medic unit that day at the Pentagon and you make a phone call to Manassas Park and you find out that he wasn’t even employed there until October 2001,” a source told the radio station.
Manassas Park — which is 30 miles from the Pentagon — confirmed to the outlet that Suprun was hired a month after the attack on Oct. 10, 2001. That fire station, moreover, did not respond to the terror attacks that day.
“It’s no different than stolen valor for the military; dressing up and saying ‘Hey, I earned a Purple Heart’ when you weren’t even in combat.’ There’s a big difference between shopping at Old Navy and being a Navy SEAL,” the source said.
Suprun did not respond to a request for comment.Rick calder, 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Trump is declaring Martial Law on 20 January, Democrats to be arrested

Got ya! Made you look! And I'm sure there is someone out there who really would believe it if I wrote a piece to support the headline. Imagine if it went viral on google. The Washington Post could have a front page story. Since they and other papers do stories without sources, such as this oft repeated tale of Russian hackers influencing the US election, which vaguely names 'sources' at the CIA - it is plausible.
And along those lines many hacks are cyring 'JUNTA' in regards to Trump's pick of three former military men for his cabinet. As if being in the military disqualifies one for cabinet work. I did not that know when I enlisted that I would lose job opportunities.
What the stupid journalists either forgot or don't want to mention is that there is precedent in American history for appointing former military men, three as a matter of fact, to the cabinet.
Barrack Hussein Obama chose USMC General Jim Jones, US Army General Eric Shinseki and US Navy Admiral Dennis Blair. And no one cried foul.

Richard Cohen attacks Bernard Gibson

Richard Cohen writes a regular column in the New York Daily News. Which can be very good, or the opposite. Yesterday it was the latter, with Cohen attacking a Trump supporter from Indiana named Bernard Gibson. Cohen replies to Gibson's statement about real people like himself who voted for Trump by telling us he was in the Army and worked blue collar jobs. His father was raised in an orphanage, his mother immigrated from Poland.
But somehow his humble roots do not serve him so well, and he lacks the common sense to see what Gibson is talking about when he refers to 'real people'. Cohen writes his opinions and gets paid well for it; if Cohen were to fall sick, and his fellow hacks along with him, the country would not notice it. Less hot air and less global warming.
If the 'real people' were to all fall sick, we would not eat. And then some journalists could have a story and an opinion about how that happened.
Get real Cohen, remember your roots, do a real job and you too can be great again.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Congressman Lee Zeldin reaction to Iran threat

Congress Lee Zeldin today was asked a question that has been a subject of this site many times. And just to give some context, the person who posed the question was a former enlisted man like me; Zeldin is a Major in the US Army Reserves, and was military intel. Which is good.
But did he answer the question? To be fair, it was a question that probably any rep could not even get near to answering. He tried. Then he went to Yeshiva University to speak.
Former Navy man Ken Gibson could have followed him up there - Gibson lives near there - but he decided enough hardball questions for the evening. We will follow up later with the rep, who was given a bit of a challenge: work with us and we can bring you the top people in Bolivia to repair US relations and ease the threat of an Iranian presence there that Obama and Clinton allowed - Gibson, by the way, as noted on this site, went undercover in London and infiltrated anti-Jewish groups from neo Nazis to Iranian agents.
So we will be covering this.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Jill Stein comes to New York to get money

 [from the site which my friend Gibson runs in support of industrial hemp. After he wrote this he tells me the former Green Party presidential 2008 candidate, Cynthia McKinney, emailed him to say that Jill Stein is NOT Green. Black people are not fooled!]

Jill Stein came to New York today and made more money for her recount project. Which is very good news for companies like Exxon Mobile, Lockheed Martin, etc. She has already $8,500,000 in such firms, so she is a loyal investor. Many in the GOP no doubt approve.

And since she raised over $6,000,000 for the recount of the votes this November in the US, she is going to have a lot more. Which some people think was going to be spent on the recount. In fact that was the premise of her solicitation.

But that is not where the money went. She could have had a recount in Pennsylvania, but she did not want to pay the state fee of $1,000,000 to pay for their workers. Maybe she expected them to do it for free. And keep the money she raised. Play us for suckers.

Arriving in New York at 10am, she headed for the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, across from which she made her speech. The press was there in great force, but only to listen to her. When I showed them the information about her, they rudely ignored it. They know she has lots of money and makes an easy story just showing up to ask for more money.

Most of the passersby knew that too. While the press was rude, the crowd reached out to me, and when I told them the facts about Stein were easy to check - and FREE - they wanted to know why the journalists were acting like petulant brats. Lots of disgust from both Democrats and Republicans on this. I ridiculed them for hours - and told one fool who wanted only an easy scoop that I could face every single American in the face after having done my bit They acted bored and stupid. They did squirm as I pointed them out, and had to endure my honest criticism for their dishonest and sloppy work.

CNN was especially rude, and this after assaulting me on 9 November when I asked them why they were only reporting one side to the story. I had to threaten them with arrest. CNN treats American with contempt by not telling the whole story, ignoring issues like hemp, Clinton's sexual abuse of Cathy O'Brien, etc.

Other outlets are also full of stupid lazy hacks. Just look at the lack of articles on hemp - compared to the multitude of articles on Kim Kardashian. Or dope. Written by dopes.

So while I am not against a recount, Jill Stein is NOT the person to be trusted with it and lots of money. Who knows what she is really doing with it. And how many fools there are in the Green Party to allow someone with the kind of investment she has to be their candidate.

That said, in case someone wants to accuse me of being some kind of right wing activist, go on this very blog and see how many times I supported Cynthia McKinney when she was the Green  Party presidential candidate. A black woman FYI. The press ignored her since she went after Bush, and did not just allow hypocrisy in the Democrat party.

So there. Let's see what Trump will do with the hemp issue, bear in mind that two top Republicans were mor in support than either Greens or Democrats, I am referring to Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, both Senators from Kentucky - and let's not forget Ron Paul, retired Congressman from Victoria, Texas, the town in which my sister runs Minawear ( ).
And of course, I was wearing Minawear hemp clothing - Jill Stein was not. Very few in the Greens really support hemp now with her as their candidate, maybe they smoke dope. Must be to be giving her money.