Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Iwo Jima and New York: How to win

My friend Ken, who is on board with the Miguel Hernandez campaign, is up to his eyeballs in work. Yesterday the New York Post article, (see previous post for link), today Telemundo, and tomorrow Michael Savage is hosting Miguel on the radio.

But he has some time to write for Brothers. Welcome Ken, what's on your mind?

Thanks David, I am happy with the press for Miguel. They really did a great job at the Post,
they plugged him a month ago in Cindy Adams' column, and yesterday Amanda Devine did a full page on him and AOC. Donations are coming in, and we are being called from coast to coast.

But there is a lot of work to be done, and the hardest fight might not be with the Democrats, who are as happy to get rid of AOC as are most GOPers, but  with some of the GOP in NY. Yesterday it was mentioned here that other COP candidates, who do not represent the demographics of the district and are not on the major issues, are being put forward. This is how the GOP has consistently lost, but margins of 95-5 or MORE! Now, how many basketball teams stay in the league with a score like that?

So the GOP needs to change if it wants to win. And it does not seem to want to do that. Which is frustrating. I don't mind admitting that for my efforts they call me Crazy Ken. I like that.
So call me crazy if I remind people that a Latin district will elect a Latin candidate - as the Democrats found out when their white incumbent fell like a bowling pin to AOC two years ago.

Winning is hard work, and the GOP, while it likes to fight, does not have the strategy or determination to win. There is a lot of infighting. It's a real mess right now, with people like Joey Saladino wearing nazi uniforms on YouTube and Cindy Grosz suing other GOPers.

It makes me think of a certain USMC battle 75 years ago - to the very day. The battle of Motoyama Airfield, Iwo Jima. The Marines had landed there 6 days before, having to start the attack at the bottom of a hill from which the Japanese were shooting them down like flies. At that time, there were two generals running the show - General Schmidt and General Smith. The latter was in charge of the landing, the former in charge of the battle on the island. Smith was saying that they needed more air support, Schmidt said he was going to go forward without it.

So on 25 February, 1945, the Marines had no choice but to go forward under Schmidt. His right hand man, General Erskine, saw the desperate situation and went to the head of the 9th Marines, Colonel Kenyon, and said he had to take the hill. The colonel responded that he needed air intel, and a rest for his men.  Which was not the immediate gung-ho response that some people might think appropriate, but in fact it was the response that showed the common sense necessary for any fighting force, be it the Corps of the GOP NY.

The officer won that battle, and the island was secured a few weeks later. Iwo Jima will live in US history forever. And the memory of that battle, and that officer - later promoted to general and awarded the Navy Cross - will always live in mine. He was my grandfather.

And in his memory I intend to win this battle for the 14th Congressional District in New York, pushing the GOP to exercise common sense and have the other candidates step aside for the one and only Latin, Spanish speaking candidate - in a district that is over 50% Hispanic.

Crazy? No. What is crazy is this fact that some in the GOP will not listen. They do not care for the district, they do not care for the country, they do not care for the party.

The party that my grandfather, after the war, worked so hard for as the head of the Kay County Oklahoma Republican Party. At that time, that state was solidly blue. He knew how to defeat both the Axis soldiers and the Democrats.The GOP NYC needs to take note.

Put your egos aside and stand behind Miguel Hernandez. Let's win for a change.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Miguel Hernandez: Real Man, Real Issues in the 14th Congressional District NY

In Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's district, the 14th in NY, there is heated race on both sides as candidates line up to defeat her. The Democrats are sick of her, and her far left leaning ways - some say there are
Missing Persons signs in the Bronx with her face on them. She is seen in Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire - but is AWOL in her own backyard. Not good.
So the Dems may well be rid of her by summer.
And then they will have to face one of the many GOP candidates. The GOP, if it is smart and wants to win, had the winner already in hand: Miguel Hernandez. But Hernandez is not the rich white guy candidate that they back too often. So far the Bronx side backs John Cummings, a policeman, and the Queens side backs a black woman. I am not making any personal attacks on either side, but common sense would note that neither of these is Hispanic or speaks Spanish. FYI, the district is over 50% Hispanic, and the incumbent is Puerto Rican.
As is Hernandez. But that is about all that he shares with AOC. Unlike her, he came from a poor family, supported his mom and his brothers and sisters, and made it in life by hard work. Yes, he went to college. He managed to get top certification in his field, and also flies a plane. A competent man who knows the value of hard work and the issues.
One issue he is taking on is the lack of medical preparedness in this country. A week or so ago, at an at opening midtown, he was talking about getting penicillin factories up and running in the US. And he knows a thing or two about the pharma industry, as he built a pharmaceutical plant in New Jersey.
His push for penicillin is something that AOC and her socialist workers party have not even mentioned. Too much hard work for the socialist workers.
BTW, how many penicillin factories are there in the US?
So where would one get this medicine?
One might get it from India of China. The latter cannot get enough raw materials, as China is out of order at the moment, and, well try getting anything out of China just now.
So where does that leave us in the US?
Am I making a point? I think so.
Like most people, I don't want some bug to come wipe me out. I am not interested in AOC and Sanders, or in Cummings, the white GOP candidate, or even the black GOP candidate.
Common sense is key here.
And that is why Hernandez, not his GOP opponents, is in the major press. Click here to read the New York Post article: https://nypost.com/2020/02/23/rise-of-sanders-and-aoc-has-some-ny-democrats-feeling-left-out-devine/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons

Then check out his website:https://www.miguelhernandezforcongress.org/
 And if you live in the district and are a registered Republican, or can register as one, then you might want to sign his petition to be on the ballot by the end of March. Else we could get the national socialist in power and no meds in our pharmacies.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Black Votes Matter, Black Lives Don't

This past week Pocahantes, aka Elizabeth Warren, ran into trouble when a group of black women quit her campaign saying they were discriminated against and treated poorly.

Soon afterwards, she admitted that blacks only matter to her party at election time.

Below is an article by Ryan Saavedra posted on the Daily Wire site on 7 Feb., 2020.

Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren appeared to suggest during ABC News’ Democrat primary debate on Friday night that black voters only really matter to Democrats when it comes time to get their votes.
“You know, I’m glad to stand on this stage with my fellow Democrats who talk about how important the black community is, at least at election time,” Warren said. “Year after year after year, election after election after election, Democrats go to people in the black community and say, ‘boy we really care about these issues, racism is terrible, we all want to do something.'”
“And then somehow, the problem just seems to keep getting worse,” Warren continued. “Well, I think it’s time we have real concrete plans that are going to make a difference in people’s lives.”
“I proposed a two cent wealth tax and let me tell you just one of the things we can do with a two cent wealth tax: we can cancel student loan debt for 43 million Americans and because African Americans have to borrow more money to go to college, borrow more money while they’re in college, and have a harder time paying it back when they get out, that one law is going to help close the black-white wealth gap for people with student loans by about 20 points,” Warren continued. “We aren’t making a difference in America, we’re saying to the rich folks, ‘you keep your money and the rest of us will talk about racism, but not really do anything.'”