Saturday, April 30, 2016

America haters arrested at Trump campaign

Violent criminals attacked the Trump campaign, possibly fearing that the criminal element in the Donkey and the GOP would lose the election. Hysterical people shut down streets and spilled out across the grounds of the Hyatt Regency hotel in Burlingame, California, where Trump was speaking at the GOP convention yesterday.
Video of the crowds showed   flag-burners and egg-throwers; five people were arrested and one suffered a non-serious injury.
Because protesters surrounded the building, Trump, arriving with his Secret Service entourage, was forced to hop a low fence in order to enter the event space.
While speaking to the Republican convention, the billionaire made light of the situation, joking that he now knew what it felt like to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.
"We went under a fence and through a fence," Trump said Friday. "And oh boy, it felt like I was crossing the border, actually."
The protest was the second massive demonstration against Trump in just as many days.
During a large rally in Southern California Thursday night, violence broke out near the Orange County Fairgrounds while Trump spoke to an audience of approximately 18,000 supporters.
Two patrol cars were damaged, but no major injuries were reported.
On Thursday, Costa Mesa police arrested and released 17 people on charges of failing to disperse.
What is happening? And here in New York City billboards in Spanish are calling him a 'pendejo' - over which one person had the guts to write the name of this blog - and in Spanish - tell them that Trump is no narco. And telling illegal rapists to go home.
Our hoods will be lots safer without illegal immigrants, drug dealers and people who smash police cars and burn flags. 
And that's really all we want; jobs and safe hoods. Not hoods out marching and burning flags. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

New target for Daily News: NYC Mayor

For weeks the New York Daily News relentlessly pounded on the Donald. I was waiting for the breaking news that he was really an alien...after the breaking news that he was Hitler. Not sure how libel laws work but if I were on the front page of that tabloid saying something like that I'd sue. Trump probably just brushed it off. Stupid people say stupid things and we cannot sue every idiot out there.

But finally the NYDN has come around to say something intelligent, and now the front page is dedicated to hizzoner, Mayor Bill de Blasio. Yesterday it was titled "BULL de Blasio!"

Red rags are flying all around City Hall, and it looks like the NYPD or FBI is going to make an arrest.

Which would be a very different outcome than the case of Mr. Trump. He was never fingered in any crime, and all the stories about Trump were only making readers angry. They stopped after NYers in the GOP voted for Trump and the NYDN finally got the message.

The democrats here voted for Clinton; why am I not surprised? Under the democrats orphans are sent to foster care where demented perverts rape young girls, rape young boys, and rape the dog. Lefty lovey dovey love-ins are annoying the public, along with the hefty pay raises that hizzoner and Melissa Mark-Viverito are getting. Along with the young children and the dog, they are being raped. By dems.

And they are trying to wake up the NYDN to the reality. Tim Horgan of Woodside, for instance, wrote in (published 26 April, letters section, p. 26): " Where did Bill de Blasio learn all these underhanded partisan political tricks? He learned at the foot of the Clintons."

Edward Hochman in Manhattan, noting the present trend to pillory de Blasio, reminded the NYDN that it was that paper that helped put him in power, working against the much more successful and industrious Lhota.

Jim Fox from the Bronx poses a very good question when he asks why no one in the Fourth Estate can find a single word of what was said in the speeches Mrs. Clinton gave? She herself send top secret info on hotmail accounts, and anyone can get to them, but not a single dingbat in the press can tell us what goes on at the Goldman Sachs secret National Socialist Left Wing Lovey Dovey Workers Party events? Sieg Heil! Das ist ein Heim! Sehr Hehl!

Medford resident Bill Barrett tells the rag that the thought of her is revolting, along with that of her hubbie running around the White House grounds seeking new interns.

Other voicers point out some obvious pros re the Donald; that politicians, including GOP members, are afraid of him because he cannot be bought by some of the bigger lobbyists, and he might make politicians work.

Then Herta Mansukhan from Jamaica Estates points out more possible libel in the NYDN. She writes: There wasn't the slightest indication of a mock Indian accent when  Donald Trump, talking about phoning a credit-card-company call center, said "I'm from India." I;ve been married to an Indian for over 40 years. I know an Indian accent when I hear one."

Trump in fact hires people of all races and makes things work. Unlike dog raping democrats and sexual predators who give secret speeches. And oh, did I mention that the dems are currently engaged in the biggest secret military build up in history against Russia? Really, we do not want another war started by secretive lovey dovey types and their dogs. Trump, whatever his faults, is the best man for the job.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Daily News blacks out Blacks/Cruz Trumped in NY!

So on the 14th there were protestors against Trump here in NYC; lots of coverage, much ado about nothing. NO coverage of African American for Trump who were there. I guess Shaun King only writes what he wants to see. White out, or black out, the rest. Why am I not surprised?
And no surprise either that  Cruz and Kasich got Trumped. Looks like Don vs. Hill 2016.
So let's keep our fingers crossed and we could reverse the recession and focus not on the current Dem secret military build up against Russia, but on jobs in the USA. Clinton is NOT a businesswoman; not that she is poor, as she claims, I agree with Sanders that she is a LIAR to the tune of $40million. Trump is rich but we know HOW he got rich, in his case he hired lots of people and did something for the local economy - in her case, we have to guess at how much Goldman Sachs paid her to talk to rich bankers who ought to have gone to prison.
She is using the poor for a photo op. I am not her fool. And I will be posting more info her about her and her lesbian sexual predation and her fiend, oh, I mean friend, Melissa Mark-Viverito who wants to free terrorists who killed New Yorkers.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Protest on 14 April FOR Trump; will the press ignore blacks in support of Trump?

On April 14 Donald Trump comes to his own hood to campaign, for the NY GOP delegates.
And it looks like we are about to be hit with another wave of defecating, police hating, selfish OWS types that the New York Daily News so loved back in 2011. Any excuse to bash the police  it jumps on, but where were they when I was there helping support environmental issues? They ignored blacks at Zucotti Park and went after rich - filthy rich - white kids who were in fact sleeping in hotel rooms for $700 a night, and giving space to fly-in millionaires who wanted a photo op. Where's my photo? Where was a word about hemp or other real issues at the OWS?

And what about the lack of balanced reporting about assaults on policewomen, defecating in public, weapons possession, child molesters etc who were part of the well loved media circus; and what did it accomplish? It fizzled out as soon as it got cold and the free pizza ran out. And my dude, those white slackers never did give me a single slice of any pie, it was being eaten by middle class white slackers who wanted to look cool and journalists too lazy to research hemp or other real issues.

Brothers got no jobs out of OWS. And brothers are not gonna get no jobs out of the flash in the pan crowds that will appear to rant and rave against a local employer named Trump.

We are looking to have a counter protest and let's see what the NYDN and other media have to do.

The record stands not just on this blog, but even in the very pages of the NYDN, for instance, p.26/L:etters Section, 1 April - Allan Collins writes in from Jersey City: "What dopes printed an article about how a Trump protester got maced ad a Trump rally, but what you didn't print was that the Macedonian protester sucker-punched a Trump supporter...I don't know how your editorial staff keep their jobs."

And I have no idea either. So let's see if any NYDN staff show up at my protest against the protest, supporting a local businessman who makes housing and jobs. I mean, thousands of jobs - real jobs - clean housing. Not secret rants agaist Greenpeace like Clinton when she gets discovered supporting the petroleum industry and ignoring hemp.

BTW, if anyone is into yoga, I found this hemp yoga clothing company on the net, it is based in the USA and was hiring local workers in LA - much more than Clinton ever did:

Another story ignored by the NYDN. 

Clinton gets oil fired up

In the Daily News on Friday, 1 April, there is a small article about Clinton. What would be a  large article in any objective paper was pushed to the left hand corner of p. 10, after lengthy negative opinions against Trump dominating the first several pages.
The bit about Clinton comes as no surprise for those of us who search beyond the hype; Leonard Greene writes that a Greenpeace activist named Eva Resnick-Day asked whether the candidate would forego contributions from the fossil fuel industry.
Hell hath no fury like a Naked Emperor-Wanna-Be. Clinton came undone and claimed it was the Sanders people lying about her. Naked as she was, her clothes were beautiful and how dare anyone point out the obivous; Clinton raged and pointed her finger at Resnick-Day, unable to force her usual smile in light of the facts.
My environmentalist friend Ken Gibson tells me that the Clintons kept hemp illegal in NY and were a disaster ecologically. But who cares about facts. Not the Daily News, which has so little real environmental reporting (never a word about the crucial industrial hemp debate) that it too may be 'fired up by the fossil fuel industry."