Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Protest on 14 April FOR Trump; will the press ignore blacks in support of Trump?

On April 14 Donald Trump comes to his own hood to campaign, for the NY GOP delegates.
And it looks like we are about to be hit with another wave of defecating, police hating, selfish OWS types that the New York Daily News so loved back in 2011. Any excuse to bash the police  it jumps on, but where were they when I was there helping support environmental issues? They ignored blacks at Zucotti Park and went after rich - filthy rich - white kids who were in fact sleeping in hotel rooms for $700 a night, and giving space to fly-in millionaires who wanted a photo op. Where's my photo? Where was a word about hemp or other real issues at the OWS?

And what about the lack of balanced reporting about assaults on policewomen, defecating in public, weapons possession, child molesters etc who were part of the well loved media circus; and what did it accomplish? It fizzled out as soon as it got cold and the free pizza ran out. And my dude, those white slackers never did give me a single slice of any pie, it was being eaten by middle class white slackers who wanted to look cool and journalists too lazy to research hemp or other real issues.

Brothers got no jobs out of OWS. And brothers are not gonna get no jobs out of the flash in the pan crowds that will appear to rant and rave against a local employer named Trump.

We are looking to have a counter protest and let's see what the NYDN and other media have to do.

The record stands not just on this blog, but even in the very pages of the NYDN, for instance, p.26/L:etters Section, 1 April - Allan Collins writes in from Jersey City: "What dopes printed an article about how a Trump protester got maced ad a Trump rally, but what you didn't print was that the Macedonian protester sucker-punched a Trump supporter...I don't know how your editorial staff keep their jobs."

And I have no idea either. So let's see if any NYDN staff show up at my protest against the protest, supporting a local businessman who makes housing and jobs. I mean, thousands of jobs - real jobs - clean housing. Not secret rants agaist Greenpeace like Clinton when she gets discovered supporting the petroleum industry and ignoring hemp.

BTW, if anyone is into yoga, I found this hemp yoga clothing company on the net, it is based in the USA and was hiring local workers in LA - much more than Clinton ever did: www.minawear.com

Another story ignored by the NYDN. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the press might ignore Blacks and Latinos altogether when Blacks, Latinos and other minorities do not come out pro Mark-Viverito and do what Shaun King wants. OWS was a greenwash; lots of idiots who were wasting resources but there for the attention the NYDN was giving them.
