I'm at the New York Public Library on 5th & 40th, and traffic is blocked - ambulances cannot get by; it seems that some people object to the process of democracy and decided to block traffic. Lots of people who cannot get home after work, service vehicles unable to do their job, it's a mess.
They are all chanting against Trump, cursing out people, threatening people who tell them about Clinton being a sexual abuser and dishonest. They want a dishonest sexual abuser to be president. And they have no clue. The irony is they do NOT speak for blacks, I was laughing at all this with brothers and Asians alike, who think that democracy has its faults, but it is what it is. Better than a third world dictatorship.
Later I'll go uptown to the Trump Tower to see how it is progressing. I remember the crowds at Zucotti Sqaure a few years back, OWS I think they were called, they stopped protesting when the free pizza ran out. And not before they had defecated on people's doors, and cursed out female police officers, one young man was making obscene gestures. Why she had to tolerate it I don't know. These people want a sexual abusive deviant in power? And call that left wing power?
No my dude, you rich young white kids don't have a clue. Get a job. And don't drag brothers into your spoiled brat, traffic stopping nonsense. Use a bathroom when you have to go, not someone's front door. Stupid journalists spend so much time on that and ignore real issues, like who was behind Syria, - that is outed here and on a radio show in Bristol - along with names and dates. And it leads to CLINTON!
Now if you want to protest, protest the FBI for allowing a rich white woman to get out of jail free; break her monopoly on the press. That would be real change.
These left wing idiots did a lot of damage to nations like Bolivia. Trump has already stated he is out to heal things, he reached out to Obama and Clinton, can these fools not wait and see what will happen - not just act like brats?
ReplyDeleteI hope that later this month some of the Trump people will meet the vice president of Bolivia and reach out there. While the idiots march and block other people from getting home, or block ambulances from doing their jobs, Trump is reaching out. The wise give him a chance. Fools just run their mouths.
There seems to be a problem with democracy among democrats. When they lose, they cry and beat people up.