Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump is 45

Donald J. Trump is now the President Elect of the United States of America. And what I liked about his win is that he immediately spoke about hearling, and reached out to both President Obama and to the other major candidate, Hillary Clinton.
One thing I mentioned on this site is that he is not as controversial as his critics, some of whom smashed the offices of a California paper when Clinton lost - and that he will reach out. One aspect of that is that he has information on how to improve relations with South America, including Bolivia, whose vice-president will be in New York later this month and is already being approached by Trump supporters who have a long history of working with Bolivia in a group called Amigos de Bolivia.

So let the nasty rhetoric die down and let us move on. There is a great sense of relief worldwide, especially as the threat of a world war instigated by the Clintons and Russia haters is past.

Thank God for this result, and may we have his direction for the transition that will be taking place for the next two months.


  1. Gracias a Dios! I got a post up at about a better relationship between Bolivia and the US.
