I am Cathy O'Brien, a 25 year veteran US Government
Whistleblower on White House/Pentagon level MK Ultra mind control and healing
from it. I have known the Clintons and
their treasonous crimes since 1978 as detailed in my compiled testimony for the
US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight, TRANCE
Formation of America.
My mind control owner in MK Ultra, US Senator Robert C.
Byrd, ordered me to the swamps of Louisiana for traumatic mind control
programming and CIA covert operations under my handler Wayne Cox. Cox was a programmed assassin who triggered
mercenaries into action for CIA Black Ops funded by Bill Clinton's notorious
Mena, Arkansas CIA cocaine operations.
Cox's primary contact in Arkansas was Bill Clinton's brother
Roger, who shared in occult ritualistic murders that included 2 teen boys they
tied to the railroad tracks. The boys
were murdered for inadvertently stumbling onto a major CIA cocaine transfer
from train to a helicopter flying it direct into Mena. My first meeting with Bill Clinton ensued, as
detailed in TRANCE.
I had cause to meet numerous times with both Bill and
Hillary due to their criminal involvement in the CIA covert activities I was
forced to participate in during the Reagan-Bush Administration, and due to
their strong ties to their mentor and my owner Sen. Byrd. Arm your self with the facts! www.TRANCE-Formation.com
Drain the Swamp! Stop
Hillary Clinton and stop New World Order globalization that is rooted in the
darkest of crimes against humanity and ushered in through the ultimate WMD-
mind control. Lock her up!
Trump would do well to listen to Mark and Cathy. They have info on both sides, it's not like they just hate Clinton, the book was written in 1995 so it's fair and balanced and I think Romney is in it as a child abuser too.