Big day today in the USA. The Ozzy Osbourne for President campaign goes into full gear with their 'NO CHICKEN LEFT BEHIND' slogan.
And the way the media works, he could just be president. The US press had ignored the illegal acts of Clinton, her terrorist supporting and satan worshipping friends, her total incompetence - Clinton's maid, for instance, a Philipino woman - was handling classified information at the Clinton crib - but the media is just trying to tell us that Clintons is wonderful. And loves black people; despite the fact that she is overheard dissing us.
So I hope and pray for Trump. That's all I can do right now. If we get Clinton, we have to watch her every move as she is vile and could start more wars, shake down more governments for $, and allow more classified information to get into the wrong hands.
So we'll see. Tomorrow is the anniversary of Cristalnacht, when the Socialist Workers burned synagogues in Germany, and I have a bad feeling about the 9 of November in the USA. Never has a US election been so controversial or so important.
I'd vote for Ozzy if Trump were not running.