In the ,50, urged on by nazis who had come to the US, Sen. Joe McCarthey began a withchunt against Russia and left leaning Americans. At that time a young member of the GOP was growing up not far from Appleton, Wisconsin, McCarthey's hometown.
Hillary Rodham, later Clinton. An uber Republican who challenged blacks in Chicago during the Nixon campaign, alleging vote fraud. Today she is still the enemy of some black people, and the remark overheard by a black officer about her not caring if black soldiers were killed in a war needs to be heard. It was, on British radio. But it needs to be heard here - before she and the latter day McCartyites, including Joel Harding, start WWIII by attacking Russia - what with the largest secret military build up against Russia since Hitler.
Joel Harding in fact sounds like Hitler. He would have been just what the nazis wanted after WWII to carry on their agenda. And Clinton, they would love her too. Socialist Workers. Left and right have no meaning, not to Hitler, not to Clinton, and not to Harding.
Joel Harding, I checked him out, this is a sick dude. I encourage everybody to google him and his connections to the sick neonazis in London, tied in to Boris the Clown. This is not a circus. We need real politicians, not Joe McCarthey, CLinton and Boris the Clown.