Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trump is the nominee apparent

The GOP has seen the handwriting, or rather, heard the voice of America. People want someone with business experience, and if some paper in New York does not like it, so what. The New York Daily News has had to accept Trump's nomination as a fait accompli, although it does so with bad grace; the front page has a picture of a fallen elephant. RIP GOP it tells us; calling it a 'once great political party'.
Which is ripe with irony as the NYDN supports Clinton. So much so that it ignores her friends in the same party who want to free terrrorists who killed American on the 4th. Neither does it mention the reports of her sexual abuse of mind controlled sex slaves written  about in the '90s.

Trump took Indiana, and Cruz saw reality. Sanders is trying to take it, or part of it, and win still. I hope he does. Clinton is a disaster. Does she rape the White House interns, or does Bill, or do both of them? And are we supposed to think that behaviour is cute?
Meanwhile, Iranian terrorists are laughing at the Democrats and building uranium enrichment facilites in South America. They may be secretly funding the Clintons. They hate Trump. And just who is behind all the illegal voilent anti-Trump atrocities disrupting American's right of free speech? Iranian terrorists, Clinton and Mexican drug dealers?

And panning the camera to local issue, who is behind the torching of the Serbian Cathedral in New York - it happened just as the flea market was closing, around 7pm on Easter Sunday. I doubt the votive candles were up to the rapid destruction of a 200 ft long, 60 ft high building in 10 minutes; along with 3 other Orthodox churches the same day?

The Danish Press was first to question the possibility of Croat activists. Some of them in NY, the Croat community holds court on 10th Avenue, near where the flea market will move to. Worth looking at them...and at the Clintons, Iranians, and Mexican drug dealers who kill women and children so they can get rich without working. Lazy scum. Perfect company for Bill & Hill.

Who we hope get nowhere near the Hill. The next few months I'll be working to keep America safe from terrorists and Mexican drug dealers, and any Croat arsonists.

Knowing that Trump, not Cruz or Kasich, will be the nominee already makes me feel safer,

1 comment:

  1. The Daily News saw that people were tired of their stupid rants. They decided that Trump had no indictments, and that the Democratic anti-Trump idiot of a mayor did - so he has had all the news lately.
