Friday, July 8, 2016

7/7 for the US: Vote Trump to prevent Civil War

This letter was sent by a friend of mine and I just wanted to post it here today. After writing about black-on-black and white guys with guns now I find myself confronted with yet more tales of gun violence. This has got to stop, and Trump is the candidate to take this bull by the horns, not the careless Clinton, so skilled in sexual predation and defending guilty sexual predators.

Yesterday we were joking that 7/7 had to occur; 7/7/16, being ina way, 7/7/7 - we said it would be too tempting NOT to have a terror attack. And the US is more of a target than anywhere right now. It is the goal. Paris, Bangaldesh, even Mecca, these are only warmups.

The US is the prize. ISIS or any other group has its sights on the Land of Liberty.
And at 11pm New York time, as I was in the Port Authority, with people glaring at each other, cops poised to go into action, a drummer reciting the names of Eric Garner and all the other slain African Americans, something terrible happened.

It was not in the Big Apple as would be expected; people here were breating a sigh of relief that the 4th of July had passed with only a small device blowing off a man's foot (except for the head of the City Council, Melissa Mark-Viverito who is so sick and crazy that she wants to let violence loving terrorists who did in fact kill Americans on the 4th out of jail, but that is another story, one of these only-in-New-York kind of things that noone in the UK would ever believe until they google it...).

It happened not far from the 22/11/1963 incident in which a US president was left cold in earth by a sniper; or snipers. Yesterday snipers peppered the sea of blue with a hail of bullets; five dead, seven wounded. One shot execution stuyle in the back.

Black-on-white and and black-on-blue all turned into a river of blood; red, white, blue and black just after the 4th of July. It rained, it poured, with thunder in the night turning into hours of negotiations, sniping, shooting, and finally a robot with a bomb to end the gentle discussion part and bring the horror to an end. One dead sniper and his accomplices cuffed. Interrogation begins. A new file is opened at the FBI.

 Closure? The New York Post says war; Civil War. 

The tension along with heatwave in New York sets in motion a  dissonance of  tones for the city of 9/11. 

And yes, there are a few who are asking if maybe, just maybe, these snipers were instigated by a secret hand looking to start destruction in the US. Maybe, maybe not, but it is best to look at this when it is fresh and keep a record. A new file. Still no closure. Red white and blue at half mast. 

In the distance a drumbeat, faint but steady. War is in the air. Civil War, they call it. Grey is the rainbow hanging heavy in the sky.


In times like this we need not the careless hand of a sexual predator as is Hillary Clinton, but the experienced hand of a man who is on record for asking for greater checks on who gets guns and who does not. As we sober from the shock, may we vote for the best person to heal this country and not let the Post headlines become true.

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