Wednesday, October 31, 2018

CNN story sounds suspicious to Blexit; We need real answers, is Sayoc the new Marinus van der Lubbe?

The Brits have Brexit; and now there is Blexit. When you're smart, gifted and black, you join Blexit and get the hell out of the party that supported slavery, turned back refugees to be killed by Hitler, and has anything to do with Hillary Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Montefiore, Melissa Mark Viverito, Castro, Ydanis Rodriguez, Farrakan, Linda Sarsour, terrorists, MS 13 members etc. whom they support.

Black Exit, Get It?

OK. Now for a few unanswered questions from an uppity blogger. First, why does a down-and-out terrorist waste $3 worth of stamps on a pipe bomb he sends via courier? If he already had $3 worth of stamps on his package, why spend like another $50 on a courier anyway?
CNN tells us the package, with US stamps on it, arrived at their 59th Street Manhattan office. If so, why is there no mention in all the press about who the courier was, what couriers company was used, and who the client is?
An unnamed courier company has what kind of policy towards new customers who claim that they are working for a Congresswoman? Were these delivered to the courier company in DC, or where? This is actually very important as it can be determined if there was another person involved. As important as a real investigation into any act of terror is, why is not this simple line of inquiry not followed?

These are questions that brothers have a right to pose. All Americans have a right to ask these, no matter what CNN says - or the FBI. The Bureau by the way is considering the death penalty for the suspect - Cesar Sayoc - HOW CONVENIENT - just like the nazis did for their patsy - Marinus van der Lubbe in the Reichstag Fire, which we know now was a false flag op so Hitler could get power with his racist BS. What Germany needed was an investigation into the investigation. Too bad the stupid people in the Socialist Party there were too stupid, and their press went along with it (some of which was owned by Hitler).

Van der Lubber received the death penalty even though no one was killed or injured; at trial it was noted that the police were constantly wiping his nose, and he was sedated. Well duh. Hitler's patsy. BTW, the note that the FBI may seek the death penalty comes from a source inside Homeland Security. I did not say they ARE, but that that option is being discussed, - along with a change of venue from Florida to New York - the latter location has more loony liberals tied to CNN and Robert Mueller of the FBI. And I mention Mueller with both a purpose here and personal loathing. I am a former serviceman, and Mueller framed a HIGHLY DECORATED WWII HERO for murders that he KNEW FULL WELL Whitney Bulger had committed. Bulger committed lots of murders, and his victims speak of him as some kind of rat. Better off dead as he may be, his death also raised questions, as he was killed the day after his transfer to a new jail, - and it is already no theory but fact that he was murdered there. What did he do his first day to piss off a fellow inmate? Seems his death was waiting for him, as soon as he could be transferred. FBI prints on this all the way. Connect the dots to Mueller, FBI, CNN.....................Lots of dots my dude.

So when do we get a real answer from CNN/FBI? Let me reiterate, a REAL investigation would get the name of the courier service, the persons who took possession of this dodgy package with a Congressional return address - I mean, did they really think some lowlife white guy on steroids down in Florida is working for a Congresswoman? And would a left wing Congresswoman hire not only that type of assistant, but one who rides around with Trump stickers all over his van?

And oh, that leads to another point, one raised by Rush Limbaugh: the stickers all are like new, neatly put up like the other day. This guy, it is claimed was riding around for months in his 'Trumpmobile" plastered in stickers. No sign of any weathering or stains, or the usual peeling, nasty dust sticking to the glue on the back side as they start to deteriorate.

If this were real, they would be ALL OVER that courier service, asking if it was Sayoc, or another person, and telling us WHEN and WHERE this dangerous terrorist device was handed in. Why are they so sure it was him and ONLY him?

We will be getting in their face if they try to disrespect the American people and refuse to answer these questions. And don't let former GOP rep Joe Scarborough scare you - he once wanted Americans who questioned a government story to be "sent to camps in Eastern Europe and never heard from again" - which is what happened to Germans who questioned the Reichstag Fire. Scarborough and MSNBC ought to be made to face the public and answer just who they are working for. Drain that swamp, no more FAKE NEWS!

Check out #blexit  to see the newest in US politics! This is what the far left far out idiots want to suppress, and I am not putting it past them to send these packages to themselves to create confusion and blame the GOP. After all, it worked for Hitler. Let's stop it dead in the USA. Exercise your rights to free speech NOW - and demand an investigation into the investigation.

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