Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Blackface; the racist, the rapist and the racist

Trump spoke last night and Nasty Pelosi looked like she was sucking lemons. Standing right behind him, well placed to knife him in the back, which she might have done were it not for the presence of Mike Pence.
The hapless Governor of Virginia got mentioned, both in relation to murdering US citizens as soon as they come out of the womb and in relation to his wearing blackface. Which he admits then denies. His second-in-command is black, but wary to show his face as he stands accused of rape. And the third in command in that state now stands accused of wearing black face. If all three were to resign or be impeached, the racist, the rapist, and the racist, a Republican would take over.

The Democrats are in disarray. The Donald is leading the charge. And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the one man left standing in that party of racists and rapists - and baby killers.
This was better than the Grammys! Better than the Super Bowl! Donald ought to get the award - I mean he put on a great show - a WWII soldier and one of the people he rescued 75 years ago at Dachau, together on the stage; a security guard who saved lives at a synagogue shooting last year - on his birthday, the House broke out in spontaneous singing of Happy Birthday, not sure the Occasional Cortex did, but all the GOP members at least; who stood for the military etc., in conspicuous contrast the Dem members who did not.
Trump made the Cortex etc stand until they could not stand it any longer - when he pointed out that now there are more women in the US workforce than ever before - and more in the House!
He took a firm line on Socialism, which is ruining Venezuela; and remember the national socialists in Germany who created Dachau. There was lots of applause, but maybe not from Nasty and Cortex.

75% national approval rating he got. Better than ever. So look's like we can build the wall and stop giving away housing that belongs to black people to socialists from Venezuela or Mexico - both of which nations are loathe to take in any immigrants themselves, even from their own Spanish speaking cousins.

I have some advice for Cortex. Get to work in your own backyard. Stop worrying about investigating Trump and investigate the sex traffickers in Corona, Queens; or MS 13, a member of which was arrested in your district for murder on the 7 train. So quit whining about socialism which does not work and get to work. Show us how much you care by taking care of your own - Latin women forced into slavery and your own constituents gunned down by illegal aliens.

You come off as a stupid freak, wearing expensive clothes in  DC and getting lots of attention like a little child on her birthday. Just thought I'd share. Comments are welcome.

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