Friday, October 18, 2019

Sister Jineea Butler vs. Miguel Hernandez vs. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The mother of a friend of mine in South Carolina got a solicitation, asking for $ to be sent to a PO Box in Virginia. The woman was familiar with solicitations with PO Box addresses from there, so was about to throw it out like all the other mail. But she noticed something odd about it; that is was asking for $ for a candidate in New York City. Jineea Butler is sending these out, asking for $ from strangers in far flung states, telling them she is taking on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortz in the 14th district in New York.
I don't see her registered. I do know Miguel Hernandez, the first candidate to register GOP - and the ONLY Hispanic candidate to run on the GOP ticket in that district. It is a Latin district, with over 50% of the voters being Latin American. Black folks and white folks have a little over 10% each. Making it political suicide to run where you have no base.
Jineea already got a good kicking trying that in 2018. She lots to the Democrat, Andrew Espaillat - who beat her about 95%-5%. Anyone giving her $ to run again, in a Hispanic district, and thinking she can win, is a fool.Jineea was running in the district that includes Harlem, so that really shows. Only 5%. Looks like the sisters and brothers did not eve vote for her. A white GOP man that year got 14% in the 14th District. Jineea could be asking for $ that she knows she can end up keeping, so far we see no record of her really spending on the campaign beyond $ spent on asking for $.
Further, no one really has any knowledge of Ms Butler. She had some low lever jobs with the city, and was or is an employee at the Social Services of Hip Hop (WTF?) - hardly someone to whom hard earned $ ought to be entrusted. 
Hernandez, on the other hand, is well known in GOP circles, working with Ken Gibson, Bryan Jung and Cindy Grosz. Gibson is an author and non-partisan environmental activist noted on this site for his investigative work, Jung is the District leader for the GOP in the 1st NYC council district who has worked on over 10 campaigns, and Cindy Gross is a PR person who writes for a number of publications including the Times of Israel.
And quite importantly, Hernandez has real experience in business and in training people, giving them needed job skills that they now use to go out and maintain the infrastructure.
Interestingly, he is also a pilot, as was Fiorella La Guardia, the famous Republican who took the
stronghold away. It happens to have been in the 14th congressional district.
Hernandez, not Butler, is able to take up La Gaurdia's mantle and win this election.
Check out his website here and see what we mean:

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