Friday, February 26, 2016

Stats on African American voters/Facts on Clinton

I'm starting to like the Wall Street Journal. Not that I read it every day, but when I do, I find better articles about what is going on behind the scenes, energy prices, China, employment trends, etc. I also find it is more objective and prone to giving facts and statistics rather than opinion.

In the Op section, William A. Gaston gives us lots of stats, rather than opinion, about African American voters, who, not surprisingly, after an endorsement from South Carolina Congressman
James Clyburn, the highest ranking brother in the House, picked Hillary Clinton in the SC caucus.
In the south, the black vote can be just over 50%. So Sanders' failure to capture it was crucial.

In the GOP of course the black vote is a lot less. 13% in the Nevada caucus. So it could take a swing vote of black voters who are registered Democrat to put Donald Trump in power - but as we get to know Trump and Clinton a lot better, I think that is way possible.

Clinton is a weak leader riding on the wave of her husband, making sloppy mistakes like sending classified information on hotmail addresses, Bengazi, messing up the Balkans, etc. And she ended up being noted as a lesbian rapist with serious sick tendencies to use sex slaves in a book titled The Trance-Formation of America by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien. The latter was being used by the Bushes for such acts, along with her young daughter, and the CIA tried to kill Phillips, a former DIA agent who had worked in Lebanon on top secret assignments, which is how he found out about the Bush/Cheney child abuse scandals.

When he prepared his report, originally for Congress, it was shot down so he published it privately.
The surprise in his book was that not only were Republicans into this stuff (but not Trump or anyone even remotely associated with him) - but also Democrats, so both sides turned against them. They have written a second book since with more dirt, backed up with evidence, on this stuff.

Black voters statistically turn against sex offenders. The white establishment is known to turn a blind eye to this, which can be seen in their book - this kind of stuff was rampant in Washington and we may have more of it if we get Hillary in. So I hope to expose more of her weird, criminal acts and spare the country, and the military, from a stupid and demented commander-in-chief.

And one final thought, you might want to google around about how China got US military secrest during the Clinton years. Do some homework dude, get a copy of the Trance-Formation of America, and you will have things even the WSJ does not have the guts to print.

And you'll understand why we need Trump in Washington.

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