Thursday, February 18, 2016

Why Trump is the best choice for President

Donald Trump is without a doubt a contentious candidate.  He is associated with the Anglo-Saxon American, (actually he is not, he is Celt/German)  he has appeal to more
than just his brothers of European descent.

Fact is he hires people of all races, and has lots of support from the people he hires. Which right away is more than can be said of any of the idealistic candidates running for the White House at the moment.
Far from perfect; but I think I have already made the case for him. NO OTHER candidate has any real
experience putting people to work, and no one wants to have some idealist giving you pep talks about politics while at you are out looking for a job that does not exist.
OK. First point made.

Second point.
Lots of candidates are on the side of WAR, and yes that includes the left, which is responsible for more
wars than the GOP. Vietnam? That was the Dems. WWII? Dems.
Obama promised to make peace and close Camp X-Ray?  Never did. Bankers own this dude.
Real business people, who create housing for instance, are averse to war. Politicians who lack business experience need war, and are prone to suggestion. Right now, the US has been dragged into a retro McCarthy stance on Russia just because the Russian speakers in the Crimea, which was Russian for centuries, exercised some democracy and with a vote of 99% decided to be back with Russia. So what. Let it be my man.
But no, this was a base of drug dealing etc. and so certain people got together and decided to make financial
war with Russia. Then the fiasco in Syria. Russia did what the politicians here are NOT doing, they bombed those creepy crawly people called ISIS. And in so doing, they bombed a convoy of drugs from from the Turkish crime syndicate, so Turkey shot down a Russian plane.
The politicians in this country are using Syria to get contracts and NOT going after ISIS. Criminal elements are going after Russia and using US tax $ to attack Putin. Tax $ that belong here my man. Not in Syria. Let Syria deal with Syria, and if the Russians bomb ISIS, job well done. Int'l bankers want US tax $ to rebuild Syria, it's the plan Stan.

Trump understands this. And he understands Putin. So he will NOT start another war and get brothers and sisters in the US military, in which I did 2 tours (Saudi Arabia, demolitions expert) killed for the $ guys.
Flashback to USMC General Smedley Butler; look it up on google, check it out, you need to know. And then read President/US Army General Eisenhower's remarks about the MIC. Read my brothers.
Then think - then vote.

Let's get a guy in there who talks sense because he hires people and does NOT have his $ in the MIC.
And let's have 8 years working on the ECONOMY, leaving Russia and Syria alone. Man, we got millions of people here who want jobs and no WAR. So OK, I hear most of you, Trump is not your main man. He does some things we all do not approve of, he makes his mistakes, but he does not go and start no war.
If you got a better candidate, I am all ears so let me hear, but you better have someone with BUSINESS EXPERIENCE and an understanding or other countries and real issues like immigrants taking jobs.

By the way, I'll be out in the streets here in New York to let people know, especially the GOP, that we want jobs. Bush and Cruz are NOT about that so I hope they are reading this and considering that if they want any of the vote from us, don't even think about those two losers. Get in Trump and you have our support which you need more than you know.

1 comment:

  1. It's the economy stupid. Personally I like Sanders, but if I were to vote for Sanders and brothers got no jobs I'd be doing the wrong thing. My vote counts when it produces jobs, don't care if the dude is black white or peach, left right or middle. It's the JOBS stupid. Trump hires and makes things work.
