Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Press needs to listen - former DIA agent and his wife are being ignored

The demonstrations in New York have been a real hoax. Angry white trust fund kids, lazy journalists, and violent idiots - one of whom beat up an old man when all he said was All Lives Matter. A friend of mine, Ken Gibson, was assaulted by CNN reporters who tried to deny him his freedom of speech when he asked them to look at the book "TRANCE-Formation of America" and go to p. 155 to see the account of Hillary Clinton sexually abusing an American woman. They had a fit!

The press is lazy and arrogant, like Hillary's campaign team (see previous post) which refused to listen even to Bill! A former president cannot get through to these idiots, the press is stonewalled and lazy, and Bill had fits and fights with his spouse all along the campaign trail. And they lost!

Ironically, the Democrats might well have won this election if the press was not full of idiots who refuse stories. Sometimes it is just laziness, like the i news editor who, when given a story at no cost, suddenly decided he did not have the budget - the story ran on Dialect Radio in Bristol instead. Had the Democrats listened to this same whistleblower, they would have been on to Hillary's perversions and secret ties to terrorists and would have chosen Bernie Sanders.

Too late. Will they ever learn?

I challenge ALL journalists now NOT to be as stupid as CNN and the NYT and to take the time to listen to Cathy O'Brien and her co-author Mark Phillips. Not just for the inside info on top politicians - both left and right - but on some of their healing - check out this on the net -

1 comment:

  1. CNN does
    NOT listen. That is why Clinton lost. We the People are mad at the press. Too many stories ignored. Let's see if there is a journalist with enough guts to cover the story by Mark and Cathy. Or any of this. This blog is a gold mine.
