Saturday, November 19, 2016

Romney may try to assassinate Trump

The transition is taking place - no major stock market crashes or other incidents such as the left tried to scare us into expecting. So far so good. I note with sadness the fact that Dr  Ben Carson declined an offer to be in the cabinet, this blog was very supportive of  Carson and suggested that he might be president in 2024. We wish him well in private practice.

But there is a nervous moment going on here what with the possibility or Mitt Romney, who trashed the Trump campaign for one thing, becoming Secretary of State. Trump is reaching out and handing the olive branch - but to a snake and a rat.
RAT - as in Republican Against Trump. 

He is unfit for any position, especially Secretary of State.
One American warned about the Romney dynasty in a 1995 book:

"Michigan's governor George Romney was very much interested in implementing mind control of the masses. He wanted to bring satanic rituals of child abuse that were proliferating in the Catholic Church into the Mormon Church. He wanted a robotic society."

A current website, discusses his involvement with Ustache antisemites in a case against a Brooklyn man. Another,, also cries warning.

Romney is an insult to all Americans, especially Catholics whom his family was abusing. Appointing him would be like spitting in the face of American and the world at large. He has got to go!

Further, keep an eye on him,  he might set in motion an assassination against Donald Trump. He and his associates should be on an FBI watch list. The info on him at spells it out. One of my sources is a former US Naval Intel op and he has just outed a number of activities, including Clinton's - at:

He tells me to watch out for Romney, that there are GOP members who want to get close to Trump and then use a patsy to do his assassination. Funny how after being so negative Romney is now trying to embrace the man he betrayed. How many pieces of silver were put in his greedy hand? Watch out my man, Romney is up to no good.

On a positive note, Trump is noted even by his critics in the New York Daily News as an employer with a very good record of promoting women in top jobs. Nikki Haley is a competent individual with none of the Romney family scandals. She would be more set to make alliances.

We welcome her or any other choice, Rudolf Giuliani for instance, whose loyalty to the campaign certainly puts Romney to shame - and hope that they would take note of the information available at to reach out. 

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