Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Freeing the terrorists and arming the illegal aliens: Democrats at work

This race is getting hot and hotter; the hottest in the history of the US of A. So hot that the New York Daily News is now dedicated to it, I did not buy that paper today as there is so little real news in the News that I just bought my coffee and skipped the pages of anti-Trump nonsense that some journalist gets paid too much to write. I work for a living my dude, I do NOT need to finance lazy journalists who got nothing to say except rhetoric.

If they did have something to say, they might note the FACTS about Hillary Clinton and dig into the deals her hubby made with China. Now US weapons systems are compromised. Where are the anti-Clinton pages in the paper? 

And where is the news about Melissa Mark-Viverito at the Jacob Javits Convention supporting her buddy Hillary? Mark-Viverito is on a campaign to free terrorists. Trump is on a campaign to KEEP TERRORISTS OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND/OR IN JAIL.

Oh. I guess the News did not have time to find this out. OK. What next.

Oh, little bit about a dude named Pablo Serrano-Vitorino. And how that bad nasty Donald Trump would not let Serrano-Vitorino into the US of A to commit more felonies. That was the O administration. He committed felonies, and under the Democrats, he came, he saw, and he committed more felonies, this time he is wanted for multiple murders. With guns, which, BTW, Trump wants to legislate more so idiots and illegal aliens do not get their hands on.

So watch out Donald, Mark-Viverito and Serrano-Vitorino and the New York Daily News are gonna get you. And when they do, they are coming for the rest of us...if enough people vote for Hillary Clinton.

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