Thursday, March 3, 2016

Why Romney is bashing Trump

A few years ago, January 2012 to be exact, a friend of mine went to a Romney fundraiser at the Sheraton on 7th Avenue & 53rd. He had a friend with him to film what he was going to do. And at the right moment, with his friend using a cell phone, Ken Gibson got in front of Mitt Romney and told him that as a former serviceman he was asking Romney to do the right thing for the US: quit acting like a fool and resign from the candidates debate. And Gibson had good reason. This guy knows and  researches tons of politicians from here to London, his family once worked Bush 41. And he had dirt on Romney, going back to the Michigan child abuse scandals that Cathy O'Brien wrote about in her book "Trance-Formation of America." Romney's dad, he told me, was a nasty child abuser along with Gerald Ford and they, along with a Mormon mafia, ran a multi-million $ child abuse ring.

So when he started to mention a couple of key words that would really embarrass Romney, the thugs employed by Romney grabbed  him, threatening arrest for 'embarrassing a candidate'. WOW! Was this the USA or a Mormon crime hood? Gibson told them to call the cops and he would press charges for kidnap as they were illegally holding  him.
Unfortunately, his friend did not have such nerve, and acquiesced when Romney's thugs demanded he delete the footage. Somehow the BBC got a hold of this and ran it on the radio, comparing British freedom at political debates to the Romney debacle. It did not make the US look good.
Romney is not about making the US look good. He needs to be investigated deeply along with thousands of Mormon criminals.

Trump wants to take the country away from Mormon crime syndicates and this could mean Romney goes to jail. He does not get to arrest people for exercising free speech, he does not get to spend time alone with young girls, and he does not get out free. This is America. Rich criminals go to jail, that's how it will be with Trump. So expect lots of crooked politicians, GOP and Dem, to get scared. The good ol' boy network and the lefty mafia are what has made America poor.

And they won't go down without a fight. Man, we gotta fight, Romney is showing the head of the snake and we know this ain't no piece of cake. We will fight, this time in the polls, and we will win.


  1. Romney and that whole state of Utah is like a dicator and a third world country. Young women are forced into marriage and marriages are broken up so older criminals may rape and take other people's wives. All this as part of a religion. Rather have a Presbyterian any day.

  2. Pray Romney does not become a senator. Enough of him already.
