Sunday, March 20, 2016

US military fights for Trump

The New York Daily News seems to be now a single issue paper: Trump. And even good news to them is bad. All news is bad news. Even when it is found out that the military stands for Trump. Bad. Very bad.
Rather, a president who has no respect from the men and women in uniform.
Why? Because they say so, that's why.
It seems to imply that soldiers and sailors are stupid and need to read the liberal press. It even goes so far as to state that soldiers and sailors are FOR torture and killing.
If so, then maybe they need to disband the military.
And we could all live happily ever after using with some liberal agenda of transgender bathrooms; where, for instance, if a middle-aged man suddenly decided he was feeling feminine he could pee right alongside a young girl. Why deny him/her his right to choose?
But it seems a crime for service men and women to exercise their right to choose a commander-in-chief. They might get Clinton as such, and if so, there just might be transgender heads (military slang for bathrooms) for squids (military slang for Navy personnel). And pink camoflage for jarheads (military slang for Marines).

The irony is that it was these transgender loving toilet lovey doveys in the Democrat party that sent 50,000 American soldiers and sailors to die in Vietnam, about what, other than Johnson's friends' construction contracts and tungsten mining, we are not told.

Brothers all over the US are ignoring the hate message of the NYDN and Mayor de Blasio about Trump being a racist. Neither the paper nor the mayor seem willing or able to give anyone a job except for Clinton, whom they would hand a job to along with free rent, like some demented welfare queen trying to use the men's bathroom. And if she tried that, yes, brothers in and out of the service would promptly kick her out.


  1. And they'd have most cops in the nation on their side. Enough lunacy.

  2. And they'd have most cops in the nation on their side. Enough lunacy.

  3. The Chinese hate Trump because he reversed the treason Obama did and will not have Wong Wong play CCP celebration songs at the White House.
