Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Trumping the Daily News

Today I went out to the deli. The usual thing. Wake up, get some coffee, look at the news. No new shootings, good. No new terrorist attacks, still good. Off to a better start than usual.
And even more good news: Paul O'Neill endorses Trump.
Or is it? The New York Daily News, ever out to portray the Donald as 'Hitler' etc., has the title on the front page: APPALL O'NEILL. What is appalling?
That someone is winning of whom you do not approve (even if most of your READERS do - see previous post with quotes from NYDN's very own readers!)?
No. What  IS appalling is that this is supposed to be a NEWS paper. So where was the new news and very good news at that about Trump winning two more caucuses?
Oh...buried it under PAGES of nonsense about a pastor with conspiratorial views who is a Trump supporter. Maybe the pastor is right, maybe he is wrong, no journalist even went to the trouble to interview the many people support Hillary Clinton who do things like support terrorists and go so far as write letters to the White House encouraging their release? Not a word about Melissa Mark Viverito, NYC City Council leader, doing just that. Send a journalist to get some NEWS if you wanna be called the NY Daily NEWS.  You are like the NY Daily FOOL. And if I want a fool in this town, I don't have to pay no dollar - I can walk the streets and hear every crackhead for free. My dudes and dudettes you are sounding like a bunch of crack whores. Stick the to FACTS.
So I spent a dollar and it took me half an hour to find what went on in the campaign, sifting through all the foolishness the NYDN sees fit to print.  Most Americans want to know that, not hear some journalist's opinion.
And then there's the matter of Iranian nuclear scientists in South America quietly enriching uranium and getting near the lithium fields from which they can get Lithium 6 to facilitate the making of small nukes.
Any ideas? Might this be worth more than a whole page about a paranoid pastor who might vote for Trump? And if he does, he will get a man in the White House who is already committed to acting diplomatically, quickly and efficiently to working out securing America's strategic interests in its own backyard...and keeping the terrorists who killed Americans in NYC on the 4th of July in a federal prison until they die and stop being a burden on the taxpayer.

You want news? I got it. And I got things the journalists in NY are too stupid and too afraid to print and I got it hot and - best of all - I am doing it FREE. That's right. I am a former serviceman, demo expert in Saudi, and I got lots of friends from the 5 branches of the service who know what is for REAL and are sharing things the papers don't want to touch. Some of it may be classified. That bit about nuke enrichment in South America? You can read some of it in a book by former USMC man Joe Humire, it will back me up. And I can give you more than what he got. And MUCH MORE than any stupid paper in NY. Now you can save that $ you just spent on Mort Zuckerman and buy 2 cups of coffee and wake up for real!

Hot off the press. FREE. Best news in town.


  1. La verdad. You got it right bro. Clinton and Bush were VERY undiplomatic towards a number of Andean and other Latin countries, and as former Marine Corps Sgt Joe Humire is telling the House and Senate, neither of which is doing anything with Clinton and Kerry in there, the Iranians are in your back yard laughing at you as the NY press acts like fools worrying about a baseball star shaking hands with a real estate mogul.
    Meanwhile the Iranians are messing up Latin countries and getting uranium and lithium and doing major environmental damage.
    Trump actually has the wherewithal to do something we need here. Do I love the guy? Maybe not. But I don't love Clinton and her evil ways. Like yeah, trying to get terrorists out of jail. Secretly some of her people have ties to Iran and they disrespect Latin people.

  2. Now North Korea is claiming to have mini nukes. Where did they get the materials? From Iranians digging up South America?
    While Clinton was sending secret info out on her hotmail?
    Let's get some real news here. I like this site. I has more than ANY of the US papers. And I want no more nukes in terrorist's hands. I want Trump in the White House.
