Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Joker's wild at the Daily News

The New York Daily News is getting silly and hysterical; the front page (6 March) says "TRUMP IS HITLER".
And what great intellect is behind this? Some joker named Louis C.K., a foul mouthed stand up who
does little to back up his opinions. I suspect that C.K. would in fact have voted for Hitler back in the day
as Hitler was not in the right wing; if we take note of history, his party was a SOCIALIST party - the German National Socialist Worker's Party.  Some only recall the acronym, nazi, and not the reality. Left wingers.
So guys like C.K. were busy with their little jokes of getting the lefty do-gooder in power while bashing the right. The lefty leader and journalist (Hitler worked for Hearst, and went on to own a paper in Germany)  took his country to war with Russia. Bad move. And in the previous post, we are presented FACTS that the NYDN, too busy with its opinions and jokes, does NOT present, such as the unprecedented military build up around Russia, paid for by NYDN editors and other assorted taxpayers in the good ol' US of A.

That could mean YOU.

C.K.'s real agenda though might be coming from the NRA; he is strangely concerned with the 2nd Amendment, worrying Trump might change that. Scroll down on this site for more FACTS not jokes. Trump wants longer waiting time and NO automatic weapons in the wrong hands. No more jokers with machine guns thanks to the NRA -which, by the way, has its share of left wingers and media types, Robert de Niro for instance who hangs out downtown Manhattan (where he owns a wharf and an ampitheatre).

But C.K. does wax serious when he says: "I'm an idiot and I'm sure a bunch of you are annoyed by this. F---cking celebrity with an opinion."

At least he got that right. He goes on to say, about Trump: "And really I'm not saying he's evil or a monster." -Then he gets it VERY WRONG: he continues with: "In fact I don't think that Hitler was."

So what DO you think Hitler was?

And what DO you think Hillary is?

The NYDN goes on ad nausuem with the same nonsense, Larry McShane echoing the Hitler bit on p.5, citing others, such as Bill Maher, NJ Gov. Christie, former Gov. Whitman, and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, as having also called Trump Hitler.

Gov. Christie in fact ENDORSED Trump. More of this kind of stuff follows on pp.32-34. At least they did quote him correctly on p. 35 (Ed.): "the United States is bound by laws and I will not order our military or other officials to violate those laws and will seek their advice on such matters. It is clear that as President I will be bound by laws just like all Americans and I will meet those responsibilities."

But finally the joke in on the NYDN: for on the letters' page, the readers are overwhelmingly FOR Trump;
Phil Privitera, from Pennsylvania, takes issue with the paper's berating of his supporters; Jeanne O'Connor notes the antics of Sen. Mitch McConnell (Rep., Kentucky) as having sowed the seeds for the Trump procession, shining a light on the bad antics of the anti-Trump wing of the GOP; David Reniewich of Long Island City notes the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney, telling him to 'Zip it'; Sharon Lintner from Pennsylvania brings up the irony of the Pope making negative remarks about Trump, citing the child rapists in the Catholic Church as rather unqualified to pick a president; and the best from Frank Orito in East Marion, Long Island, who gives us a scene of a house infestation by vermin which the city officials and local businesses cannot deal with, but which gets treated by a local character who smells, swears and has plumber's crack but gets the job done.

And that is why people are voting for Trump; getting the job done. So listen up  NYDN, Mitt Romney, and any child abusers and terrorist supporters (like Melissa Mark-Viverito, Hillary Clinton) - the US wants a job done.

So thanks the the readers of the NYDN. Job well done. Let's hope the editors take note.

1 comment:

  1. Who the hell is this stand up to say Trump is Hitler? Or the nitwits at the Daily News. Let them listen to their readers. If there were a better choice of papers in NY, they'd lost them all. But the Post and the NYT, both owned by billionaires like the NYDN, are rotten as well. I was hoping Lebedev would bring the Independent over here and give them a run for the $. That paper is more balanced, with a range of opinion, and many well balanced journalists like Genevieve Roberts etc.
    Too many jokers and fools in the press these days. Good reporting is hard to find. And Trump is having the last laugh as every time they time to trump the Donald, he is getting free publicity and laughing all the way to...the White House.
