Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Super Tuesday pits Trump vs. Clinton/terrorists freed from jail in the US

Super Tuesday was a great day for Donald Trump, leaving him to battle Ted Cruz, a candidate who was not born in the US as a president needs to be, and hails from a state, Texas, with not just a low rating in the school system, but the LOWEST in the USA.
Cruz took his state and Oklahoma; Trump took most other states, and not surprisingly, Marc Rubio took his state of Florida. Also no surprise were Hillary Clinton's wins among the Dems, she even took Massachusetts away from Bernie Sanders, who is definitely a better person and politician than she. I know about him, he is from Brooklyn, I was born in Brooklyn.
And I know about Clinton and another politician from NY -  I am alluding to Clinton's friend in the Left
Melissa Mark-Viverito. She is so deranged she writes letters to the president asking for terrorists who killed Americans on the 4th of July in NYC and who will not renounce violence to be freed from jail.
And if Hillary gets in, guess what, terrorists the world over are going to be happy. You will not; they will and you will be paying for it.
That is why black people are NOT going to vote for Clinton or support her idiot friends like Melissa Mark-Viverito. It has not so much to do with their alleged sexual predation on young girls, but on the fact that black people do not want idiots and terrorists in power. Nobody wants to walk down the street and see something they don't want to see. Like maybe people running from the scene as a dirty bomb is detonated.
That is what is brewing, and so let me give you some facts the House and Senate are not going to give you.
Behind the scenes, the Iranians have stopped enriching uranium in Iran.
So that's good, right? Wrong. I said IN IRAN. They are now working in South America, with strong links to Argentina, and an ever increasing foothold in Bolivia. Clinton did nothing to combat this, even though there is uranium and lithium 6 (used to facilitate dirty bombs) in South America where they are secretly creating enrichment facilities.
Former USMS Sargeant Joe Humire testified before both House and Senate about this, and edited a book, "Iran's Secret Penetration of Latin America." Clinton did NOTHING. And she will do NOTHING. Intel people and former military guys I hang out with tell me she is being blackmailed partly on account of her sexual proclivities, and also that she is working drug cartels in the Balkans etc. She messed up Serbia and this pleased a lot of Moslem extremists and criminals in that part of the world.
So the US in in DEEP trouble with the likes of Clinton and Mark-Viverito anywhere near a public office.
On the other hand, while I cannot say too much, Trump is privy to a plan that would lead to diplomatically getting Iran OUT of South America while strengthening ties to South American countries, he is NOT like the Bushes and Obama who have make trouble for Evo Morales etc. He can reach out to Morales, which Clinton did not - and this puts the US on the track of getting rid of the Iranian nuclear scientists working in the backyard without any stupid Bay of Pigs scenario which the DEMOCRATS tried to pull off, with very bad results and all kinds of lies and cover ups. Kennedy messed it up, and Clinton could easily what with her sending top secret email on her hotmail make it worse.
If you are Joe Neckbone enough to believe Clinton's nonsense about a tender loving country then you deserve her. Wake up my man and talk to someone who has (BTW, I am a former demolitions expert with experience in the Gulf) time in service and NOT these luvvy duvvy lefties who wanna save the world AFTER their sex romp and a nice letter to the White House asking to release TERRORISTS on US soil.
My man, Trump may not be your bestest friend in the whole world, but he has his hands on real work and gets things done and does NOT mess around trying to help out terrorists.

1 comment:

  1. Trump is the only candidate I would trust to work with Evo Morales and get the Iranians out. That is a priority and the O admin has neglected it for 8 years, during which the Iranians have started enriching uranium in South America.
