Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hitler's daughter alive and well in the Jewish community of New York

That's right. You read it first in the New York Daily News. Last week they carried the front page with the words "Trump is Hitler".
And since the NYDN is a bastion of accurate reporting, that means that his daughter is here among us and going to shul every Shabbat with her husband, Orthodox Jew Jared Kushner. Copies of Mein Kampf are doubtless in the pews. 

So Sieg Heil and viele danken to the New York Daily News for reporting this. Truth is stranger than fiction. And the NYDN is stranger than ever. Beats the National Enquirer. Anyone seen Elvis? If you do, call the Daily News. They need some new news. You can find their reporters hovering above the earth in the UFOs. 

Tune in next week: Trump is an alien. Thank you Mr Zuckermann for you exclusive. 


  1. The NYDN is an insult to everyone's intelligence including the Jewish community.
    Calling someone Hitler because you do not like them is low. They need to get better journalists. Truth is the Jewish community is backing Trump, not that loser Clinton who has a VERY bad reputation. Read about her sexual exploitation of sex slaves in Trance-Formation of America and you'll never vote for that freak. If anyone is Hitler, it is Hillary and her agenda of carving up Serbia, giving power to anti-Semitic Moslems in that part of the world etc.

  2. PS there is also the issue of her and the US State Dept. build up of troops on the Russian border. Putin protects Jews, Hillary annoys them. Who is Hitler? And if she thinks she can invade Russia, she better take a lesson from history. Napoleon, Hitler...Clinton?
    Idiots repeat each other's mistakes.

  3. They make up anything to smear Trump. They look stupid. Best they can do is use profanity.
